Saturday 28 September 2024

Imprisonment for council tax default is unlawful

An addition to the council tax debate. This is a gem.

"Imprisonment for council tax default is unlawful because the law states that imprisonment is a last resort and other methods should be tried first: the courts can either order attachment of payment from benefit if the debtor is unemployed or from wages/salary if the debtor has a job, and from any savings account if the debtor has neither job nor benefit but has assets, so there is always an alternative. Unfortunately, some magistrates impose custody on council tax debtors as a punishment; but this is explicitly forbidden by law. Owing money is not a crime, and imposing any form of punishment is not permitted by law. "

Magistrates are not judges and rarely have legal qualifications. They are administrators working for the CPS and are directed by CPS lawyers. Actual justice for all criminal matters means that a Court of Record and jury trial are absolute rights of every individual inhabitant.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

If you want payment, just send an invoice!

If you want payment, just send an invoice!

Council Tax Bills work in the same manner as the mafia, by demands, threats and menaces. Asking for a simple invoice for the local council services provided puts them into a quandary.     


Letters to council PDF:

Have the corporate council provided services as they claim? If they have, they can itemise those services and send an invoice according to the law about demands for payment. There are strict laws regarding contract and payments for services.

Sunday 15 September 2024

DUNS numbers of 357 councils

All the corporate councils have their own individual DUNS numbers. This means that each council is a registered private company doing business for profit. These private registered corporations have no 'authority' in the Public and no right to hire courts, issue LO or warrants. That makes them criminals guilty of Fraud! Paying criminals is Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice, Aiding and Abetting Crime including Misconduct in Public Office!

Anyone can confirm these facts for themselves. Simply look up the council here:

Here are the DUNS numbers of 357 councils:

There is No Legal Obligation to notify a council of residence for Council Tax

There is No Legal Obligation to notify a council of residence for Council Tax

The case law that you are not under legal obligation to provide the council with your details was affirmed by the Appeal court at point 19 in D, R. v (Rev 1) [2019] EWCA Crim 209 (05 February 2019) 

"There can be no real doubt that on the assumed facts, and assuming that the defendant had herself been resident throughout at this property, as well as being its owner, she would have been legally obliged to pay the due amount of council tax. If she did not, the council could, on demand made under the statutory scheme, seek recovery of the sums due in the civil courts. But that cannot of itself, as we see it, connote that she was obliged in law to notify the council of her continued residence. It is quite wrong to equate a liability to pay with a liability to notify. It may be, as the judge thought, that one might have expected to find such a provision as to notification in the statutory scheme. But that was a matter for Parliament to decide. The fact is, as we have said, that such a provision simply is not there, either within the primary legislation or in subordinate legislation made pursuant to the provisions of the 1992 Act itself."

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Council tax nonpayment cases - what on earth is going on?

Council tax nonpayment cases - what on earth is going on?

"Are we in the realm of council tax nonpayment cases being civil in nature, but not following the civil procedure rules because local authorities have special powers granted to them by the State, on behalf of itself, PURELY to benefit its own agents? Or are we in the realms of a criminal case that is woefully outside of the criminal procedure rules, possibly making all cases ultra vires or void ab initio, or both."

"In conclusion, I have to say, that perhaps these council tax cases constitute, as Martin Geddes states in his Substack “part of a wider system of treasonous harvesting of the public for money. Although it is in the adjacent topic of Penalty Charge Notices (i.e. fake fines), this video is a succinct and thorough introduction to the illegality involved. Specifically, it violates the constitutional protections of the Bill of Rights 1689, which is very much still the law of the land in England. Endlessly reasserting authority you do not have does not make it so; it just deepens the injustice”."

The LOBO debts that are so high they cannot be paid off

"UK local authorities are £122bn in debt, with much of it owed to lenders and one council owing £2.9bn alone, according to BBC analysis. Councils owe £97.8bn to lenders, analysis of data from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has revealed, or £1,455 per resident, as of September last year.

Meanwhile some of the corporate councils are paying back on the massive sums owed, sums which should never have been 'borrowed' from the banks in the first place.
"However, the council managed to pay off £73.4m last year, meaning as of March 31, the sum owed reduced from £651.5m to £578.1m."

The fraudulent debt levels have been increasing steadily, compared to the LOBO loan charts previously posted. Many corporate councils have only just managed to pay the interest on the debts, while their executives enjoy huge pay scales, bonuses, expenses, redundancy settlements & copper-bottomed pensions (30+% of all Council Tax).
When enough of local inhabitants realise how badly they have been robbed by the private-for-profit corporate councils, how so many services have been slashed to pay for private profits, staff costs and private pensions, they will probably want to cancel any further payments and demand accountability.