Friday, 7 January 2022

East (now North) Northamptonshire Council - a truly ROTTEN borough!

Inhabitants of Northamptonshire will be familiar with the years of scandal that has plagued their county. Now their precious Public Funds are being used to compensate for years of corruption of the council by a lawyer and council staff. The corruption has meant that those undeserving of any council pensions or wages have been rewarded for being corrupt, sending entirely the wrong message out to other executives, lawyers and council staff, that whatever wrongs they do there are aways Public Funds that will be used to offset their crimes.

The executives of all the corporate councils should all be prosecuted, asset-stripped, and jailed, for their involvement in decades of theft of Public Funds. But in order to deflect from their crimes they endlessly attack the inhabitants while they build up their private pension pot, ready to 'resign' at any time to avoid conviction for Misfeasance and Misconduct in Public Office. When enough inhabitants of every corporate council in the entire UK, wake up to the corruption and abuse of office by the majority of executives and staff of the corporate councils, most will sensibly want to stop paying any more Council Tax to criminals!

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