Monday, 20 December 2021

The scandal of the crooked corporate councils & their private debts

The endless scandals of the corporate councils and their private debts, is not going away. Many councils are borrowing more to pay the private debts. Thanks to campaigners exposing the bankrupt policies, private debts, fraud and embezzlement of public money, and the overpaid staff that benefit, the issue of the squandering of billions of pounds by the corporate councils will not be allowed to be hidden.

A brief internet search reveals dozens of the corporate councils borrowing more money to pay of the illegal toxic debts that have driven one corporate council after another into debts that they cannot repay. The response of the corrupt staff of the corporate councils to their indebtedness is to pay themselves more and then harass the local inhabitants to pay for the illegal loans, such is the arrogance and criminality of these corporate 'mafia' and their paid thugs.
When the inhabitants of the areas controlled by these private corporations realise what is really going on they will want to withhold all further payments. Support for criminals is complicity in crime!

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