Friday, 18 February 2022

Debts written off - all councils have the power

 The corporate councils operating for profit like to take 30+% for their private pensions, then another 30-40% for their wages, expenses and dodgy redundancy deals, leaving approximately 30% for 'services'. Some councils are spending more on the interest on the illegal private debts (LOBO loans) than they are spending on 'services'. But they've all received millions-billions during the last 2 years of restrictions, to pay for furlough payments, extra policing, extra child stealing, extra evictions, large payments to schools for testing and jabbing, money that was created out of thin air by "borrowing" from the privately owned Bank of England, extra money in circulation that is creating rampant inflation and damaging millions of lives and businesses even further.
But the corporate councils still have the power to write off Council Tax debt whenever it is requested and deemed appropriate.

Yet more proof that no legal obligation to pay Council Tax exists, that it is subject to yearly and renewable contract and submission of accounts, because Council Tax is a private-for-profit fraud, being perpetrated upon the inhabitants of each council area, using threats, harassment and menaces, using violence and assault, using theft of property, to coerce inhabitants into paying. When enough of the inhabitants realise the breadth of the fraud, they will look for ways to stop paying the criminal corporations another penny!

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