Sunday 23 June 2024

Somerset County Council - a truly rotten council run by criminals!

The employees of the bankrupt corporate councils face losing their jobs and many of the inhabitants will fully agree. The sickening truth about large redundancy deals and copper-bottomed pensions means that these crooks will walk away from their jobs far better off from Public Funds!

Nearly 50 senior Somerset Council officers made redundant as council cuts 200 staff

Somerset County Council is one of the top 50 councils in England that has massive private high interest debts. In SCC's case it is bankrupt for the second time after trying to cover up the 'crime scene' of the embezzlement of millions from Somerset's public funds. The local politicians attempted to blame each other but all are culpable! All the rotten SCC politicians should be sacked without pensions along with their disgraceful unelected bureaucrats that really have been running the county into the ground for decades!

Are the corporate councils terrorist organisations?

We know with certainty that the corporate councils are operating in Fraud, operating illegal 'courts' with non-legally qualified personnel, refusing to provide proof of claim, refusing to enforce the Law on Deed of Assignment for all bailiffs and debt collection agencies, using bullying and harassment on a regular basis, breaking multiple laws while being protected by corporate police and legal systems.

The question remains as to why local people still pay the bankrupt councils a penny? When they realise how badly they have been robbed, the inhabitants will want to stop paying for crime!