Tuesday 21 November 2023

All councils are provably private businesses with no public authority

Check out your local (bankrupt) corporate council, and prove to yourself and others that the councils are private corporations that do need a contract to make any claim.

Up-to-date 357 Councils registered on Dun&Bradstreet company numbers and names of local authorities. The previous document contained some errors that have been corrected now.

Download: https://st.deepthought.industries/UFnyA3

This data can be easily verified by direct enquiry to Dun & Bradstreet:  https://www.dnb.co.uk/

As private businesses the corporate councils are operating in fraud by claiming to be 'public authorities'. The councils rent courts for a day and issue their own fraudulent 'warrants' and 'liability orders' that are not signed by judges and are issued by non-legally qualified personnel, just one example of council fraud. Fraud is a criminal offence according to the Fraud Act 2006:  

Inhabitants of all council areas will mostly want to stop paying Council Taxes when they discover the truth about council fraud!