Monday, 5 December 2022

Oxford County Council - a new breed of Fascist

Oxford County Council is now officially a Fascist council, prepared to ride roughshod over the laws and customs that England was built upon. The councillors and staff are preparing to overrule any 'democracy', undermine the majority, break the Laws of England, commit Misconduct and even Malfeasance in Public Office. They cannot prove that there is any "climate emergency" or prove that the Earth's atmospheric temperatures are rising because in reality atmospheric temperatures are steadily falling and are statistically lower now than in 1998. But the tiny minority in Oxford are in control and those that follow orders are doing what they are told. This was the same in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

When the inhabitants of Oxford realise that their Inalienable Rights and Freedoms have been subverted by a small clique of Fascists, they will want to stop paying any more Council Taxes to the Fascists. Time to starve the oppressors of their funding and destroy their rotten cliques, in any city or town that it rears its ugly head. Time to STOP PAYING!

Friday, 25 November 2022

Thurrock Council - a borough as rotten as it gets!

Thurrock Council loses third bid to retain its secrets. Will the beleagured authority now open its books on a litany of dodgy dealing?

In a major victory for democracy, Thurrock Council has been ordered to reveal exactly how it borrowed and invested more than £1bn of taxpayers' money!

When enough of the inhabitants of Thurrock realise what a massive scam is being perpetrated against them, they will 'rebel' against the corporate scammers and stop paying any more Council Taxes. Now is the time to stop paying and hold the cheats to account for years of theft from the Public Purse!

Friday, 18 November 2022

Surrey Council caught discriminating against Britons

While almost 40,000 illegal immigrants sit comfortably in hotels across the country,  Surrey council are seizing the belongs of homeless Britons. There are currently an estimated quarter of a million people homeless in England  

The inhabitants of Surrey will want to withhold any further payments of Council Tax to the council and express their disgust at the ways in which their countrymen and women are being treated!

Rotten Lincolnshire councils investing public money in human rights abuses

 Two Lincolnshire Councils have invested millions into the Qatar National Bank. East Lindsey District Council and South Kesteven District Council heavily invested Public Funds into the Qatar bank despite Qatar's disgraceful record with worker's rights. So Lincolnshire councils regard human rights abuses as perfectly acceptable for their returns on investing other peoples' money!

The corporate councils are all disgraceful enough, embezzling billions every year to pay their wages, expenses, private pensions, unusable reserves and private debts, but again and again they are found to act in similar hypocritical fashion when it comes to their private business activities. When the inhabitants of Lincolnshire realise how they've been conned they will want to stop paying any more local taxes.

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Corporate councils imposing "Human Settlement Zones"

Smart prison system via roads,  in the form of the new "Human Settlement Zones".

Notice how new neighbourhoods get bottle neck entry points? Noticed the congestion creation work going on under the guise of traffic calming the past 20 years? Now it's making sense!

All the members of the corporate councils imposing these new measures are committing Treason as well as Misconduct in Public Office and Misappropriation of Public Funds.

Refuse and reject these Traitors and their Masonic and corporate globalist agendas. Stop paying Council Tax!
Coming to a city near us!

Fines for driving out of your '15 minute neighbourhood' coming in the UK!

15-minute neighbourhood fines in Canterbury:

No Obligation to Pay Council Tax - Indisputable Evidence Uncovered!

There is no obligation to pay the corporate Council Tax - indisputable evidence is now uncovered!

DOCUMENTS FOR DOWNLOAD COMING SOON!! FREE Peace Keepers and Court Auditors courses FREE Council Tax dispute challenge download here "Peace Keepers have been created to help secure a just and equitable existence., coming together to defend the peoples peace, to restore and preserve our inalienable rights, the highest standing in truth to be sovereign."

Legal precedent has now been established. The corporate councils are now exposed as totally fraudulent and there is no provable liability to pay further Council Tax to any council billing authority!
Share this widely - now is the time to stop paying them and collapse their scam for private profit!

Monday, 29 August 2022

Council Tax remedy exists

"Debt Smashing, Council Tax Remedy And Private Trusts"

The levels of embezzlement and fraud by the corporate councils using the local inhabitants as surety for private debts, makes all staff of the councils involved in serious criminal offences.

Time for all inhabitants of counties to hold the rotten councils to account for their corruption!

Corporate councils & Magistrates are bound by the law

"Magistrates Order Council to Answer Questions Relating to Council Tax NOC NOC Dispute Process"

The corporate councils and their staff have been committing Fraud and Misconduct in Public Office by hiring courts for the illegal issuing of their fake 'liability orders' and 'warrants'. In doing so the councils are breaking several Acts, denying Due Process of law and are guilty of Misappropriation of Public Funds on many levels.

The inhabitants of council areas must hold the corporate criminals to account by withholding all further payments pending investigation and prosecutions.

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Did you know there is NO LAW OBLIGATING you to pay council tax?

Did you know there is NO LAW OBLIGATING you to pay council tax?

"No council in history has ever been able to produce the evidence proving the payment of council tax is a mandatory obligation.  Without this VITAL evidence, the council has absolutely no lawful claim to make you pay."

"Did you sign a contract to pay?  Did you make a promise to pay?  Did you verbally agree to pay?  Did you give your voluntary consent to pay?  Did you request any services?  Is being forced to pay fair?  Is it right that you are coerced and forced into paying?  Have you been informed of any terms and conditions?  Without t & c's can you hold the council accountable?"

"Searching for the process that is fair and just":

Read through the process and learn how to safely and legally hold the corporate councils to account:

Many are joining the Challenge.

Dodgy corporate councils refusing to provide accounts - they don't want to incriminate themselves!

As discussed, most of the corporate councils have private debts with high interest levels. They have defrauded the public purse for decades. But they don't publish accounts for the inhabitants to view and audit so the fraud is being concealed.
The council staff claim that the Local Government Finance Act 1992 gives them the power to claim their tax, and cannot show that the Act gives them any power over domestic properties. But the same councils are obliged to follow their own rules and legislation by providing "the authority's proposals for expenditure" but are clearly failing to do so because they would incriminate themselves.

Repeatedly, the corporate councils are committing fraud, breaking their own quoted legislation, committing several criminal offences, but being allowed to escape justice. When the majority of the inhabitants of the counties realise the seriousness of the criminality of the councils, they may want to stop paying and Council Tax or Business Rates and prosecute the council members involved in the offences.

The UK Council Tax Scam: How To Legally NOT Pay & Beat Council Tax For Good

Recently released video with proof that the corporate councils are committing serious criminal offences. This means that all those named individuals involved in the scam, once notified, they are criminally liable for continuing the fraudulent 'courts' and fraudulent paperwork.

"The UK Council Tax Scam: How To Legally NOT Pay & Beat Council Tax For Good"

When enough of the inhabitants of counties decide to hold the local councils to account for their blatant fraud, they will want to stop paying any more of the illegal Council Tax!

Friday, 18 February 2022

Debts written off - all councils have the power

 The corporate councils operating for profit like to take 30+% for their private pensions, then another 30-40% for their wages, expenses and dodgy redundancy deals, leaving approximately 30% for 'services'. Some councils are spending more on the interest on the illegal private debts (LOBO loans) than they are spending on 'services'. But they've all received millions-billions during the last 2 years of restrictions, to pay for furlough payments, extra policing, extra child stealing, extra evictions, large payments to schools for testing and jabbing, money that was created out of thin air by "borrowing" from the privately owned Bank of England, extra money in circulation that is creating rampant inflation and damaging millions of lives and businesses even further.
But the corporate councils still have the power to write off Council Tax debt whenever it is requested and deemed appropriate.

Yet more proof that no legal obligation to pay Council Tax exists, that it is subject to yearly and renewable contract and submission of accounts, because Council Tax is a private-for-profit fraud, being perpetrated upon the inhabitants of each council area, using threats, harassment and menaces, using violence and assault, using theft of property, to coerce inhabitants into paying. When enough of the inhabitants realise the breadth of the fraud, they will look for ways to stop paying the criminal corporations another penny!

Friday, 7 January 2022

East (now North) Northamptonshire Council - a truly ROTTEN borough!

Inhabitants of Northamptonshire will be familiar with the years of scandal that has plagued their county. Now their precious Public Funds are being used to compensate for years of corruption of the council by a lawyer and council staff. The corruption has meant that those undeserving of any council pensions or wages have been rewarded for being corrupt, sending entirely the wrong message out to other executives, lawyers and council staff, that whatever wrongs they do there are aways Public Funds that will be used to offset their crimes.

The executives of all the corporate councils should all be prosecuted, asset-stripped, and jailed, for their involvement in decades of theft of Public Funds. But in order to deflect from their crimes they endlessly attack the inhabitants while they build up their private pension pot, ready to 'resign' at any time to avoid conviction for Misfeasance and Misconduct in Public Office. When enough inhabitants of every corporate council in the entire UK, wake up to the corruption and abuse of office by the majority of executives and staff of the corporate councils, most will sensibly want to stop paying any more Council Tax to criminals!