Monday, 20 August 2018

Police being funded for what exactly?

Stories about the police refusing to investigate crimes in areas across the country have been emerging for some time.

Locals in Sheffield were assaulted by 'security' who were protected by police and some were even arrested by police for trying to obstruct the felling of their precious trees

Some police forces are accepting "gifts" (ie bribes) but are refusing to disclose about them

And the very serious issue of police assisted evictions and bank repossessions, where police assist bailiffs in what are strictly "Civil Matters". The police are assisting in thousands of illegal evictions of local tax payers, with serious disregard for the law that they are sworn to serve.

In addition, police are protecting the private & registered companies masquerading as councils as they illegally sell-off Public Assets!

If Council Tax funds the police but the police don't serve those that pay them, there is a serious problem for all local habitants and legally a 'Conflict of Interest' and 'Misconduct in Public Office (a serious criminal offence). Each and every habitant who is not served by the police should immediately stop paying councils until local police uphold the Law and serve the local habitants. It's basic common sense!

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