Wednesday, 22 August 2018

County Councils engaging in fraud & false accounting.


One council has been found with over £302 MILLION surplus !
We need to boycott these charlatan predators, who are mere passengers on the People of England.
The latest Council Tax SCAM: County Councils are starting to put ILLEGAL CHARGES by attempted theft on people's homes for illicit council 'tax' collections which they are NOT permitted to enforce nor impose on anyone.
They operate under STATUTES which are NOT Law, because they have never been ratified through Parliament, and which require everyone's CONSENT! Do not grant it.
These Draconian private Institutions posing as "Government" are unable to enforce their invalid monetary demands via HMCTS which rely upon the Law of Contract - because they have never contracted with any of us! So instead, they dishonestly hire Magistrates Court rooms to try to intimidate people to pay up on these CIVIL and UNENFORCEABLE collections, for their illegal and unconstitutional financial demands. When that doesn't work, they use hired thugs posing as "bailiffs" and other unlawful means. But lately it has got much worse:
These robber barons, empowered by the Rothschild-Regime of the nasty 'common purpose' misnamed "charity" which brainwashes and de-sensitises employees to commit unconscionable acts of treason without batting an eyelid.....these lazy profligate County Councils, with legions of councillors sucking on the teat of their bloated payroll and running further private companies which commit "insider dealings" with these Councils for their hugely over-valued services - and the massive surpluses are used to fund paedophile rings, satanic ritual abuse through police and schools etc, terrorism and all manner of unsavoury activities - being the main reason I CHOOSE TO REFUSE TO (ILLEGAL) PAY COUNCIL 'TAX'.
Now, however, they are becoming desperate with more and more people waking up and boycotting their unlawful demands for council tax, fed up of them lining their pockets in their PRIVATE CORPORATIONS (often foreign owned, such is their cheek) running for their private interests and profits! So they are resorting to trying to put charging orders on people's homes! They are doing this through their collusion with HMLR Land Registry, who through deception of the 'Registration' process on properties, have seized your Freehold and unlawfully transferred it to the Crown without you understanding this, and made you a mere Tenant on your own Freehold (or so they think)! Thus sets in "Council Tax" under this rotten invasive Regime.
However, they CAN'T get a charge on your home, regardless of their lying thieving documents pretending to be "orders", because the Law of England states that to put a charge on ANY property it requires a DEED - and only you the owner can grant that date which has to be compliant with the Law of Property Act (misc Provisions) 1989 and be duly witnessed with an accompanying valid bi-lateral CONTRACT to comply with the Bill of Exchange Act 1882 and be executed in front of you! If none of these things happen, then any 'charge' (alleged) would be put there by fraudulent means and be treated as NULL and VOID and constitute a forgery and so be an indictable offence.
It can be removed by immediately filing a DS-1 form with HMLR and the Property Chamber to remove the false 'charge' on the basis it was procured by deception and in contravention to the Law of Property Act (Misc Provisions) 1989 Section 1, which lawfully requires that any charge is only placed on a property by way of a valid and compliant Deed, and that means the Deed must be granted by you with YOUR consent, duly witnessed and executed in front of you with an accompanying valid Contract! If none of these steps took place, then the Council have committed a serious offence under Section 2,3 & 4 of the Fraud Act 2006 (Fraudulent misrepresentation, Fraud by non-disclosure, Fraud by abuse of position).
(Submitted by Elizabeth Watson, Founder of ONE VOICE ACTION GROUP)

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