Sunday, 10 February 2013

CT - Bailiff pack - Notice of Service


Tuesday, 25 August 2009

I hereby give notice that YOU have been duly served with the following lawful documents:-

Applicable Maxims in LAW

Notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent.
The created cannot be greater than its creator.
An un-rebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgement in commerce.
An un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce.
The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract.
It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
Truth is the mother of justice.
The law is not to be violated by those in government.

1.     Copy of the document creating the LEGAL FICTION referred to as Mr. [Insert Birth Certificate Name Here (Surname in CAPS)] being as it is a corporation so entered into the register of Births Deaths & Marriages.

2.     Copy of the Second Affidavit of [First Name]: Of the Family [Family Name], a Freeman on the Land, Duly served on Our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace, standing as law being as it is, unrebutted. Declaring that YOU, nor any other persons claiming a legal authority to exercise the power of government, in the name of Elizabeth the Queen that their authority to govern [First Name]: of the Family [Family Name], a Freeman on the Land in any way whatsoever is both denied and ended.

3.     Notice of Removal of Implied Right Of Access

4.     Copy of the Notice of Understanding & Claim Of Right & Fee Schedule as sent to the Chief Constable of [insert county / police name] Police Limited (A Corporation) so recorded.

5.     Copy of the Proof of Claim request sent to the Chief Executive of [council name] County Council (A Corporation) So recorded.

6.     Copy of Dun & Bradstreet Report showing Ministry of Justice is a Limited Corporation with Directors on its registers and County Court Judgements registered against it.

Please also take notice that the land known as England is a common law jurisdiction and any transgression of this notice will be dealt with according to common law. 

By: [First Name] (Agent)

[First Name]: of the [Family Name] family

WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all Natural Inalienable Rights Reserved

Please address all future correspondence in the matter to a direct Human Self, namely [First Name]: of the [Family Name] family, as commonly called.

Response to this notice should be forwarded within 3 days of receipt of this notice to the postal address known as:  [Your Address including Postcode]

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