Sunday, 10 February 2013

CT - Bailiff pack - Notice of Ownership


Date: [Insert Date Here]

I understand you or your agents has seized, or is intending to seize chattels, vehicles, goods, or property belonging to me at the above-mentioned address in respect of an alleged debt belonging to somebody else.
I confirm that I am the lawful owner of the aforesaid and there is no lawful entitlement enabling you to change ownership, possession, location, use and enjoyment of my property by way of a levy or a walking possession agreement.
Any attempt to subvert or rebuke this notice will result in an invalid levy and I will automatically file at court a Form 4 complaint with an application for costs against the certificated bailiff without contacting you further in this matter.
Please also take notice that the land known as England is a common law jurisdiction and any transgression of this notice will be dealt with according to common law. 

By: [First Name] (Agent)

[First Name]: of the [Family Name] family

WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all Natural Inalienable Rights Reserved

Please address all future correspondence in the matter to a direct Human Self, namely [First Name]: of the [Family Name] family, as commonly called.

Response to this notice should be forwarded within 3 days of receipt of this notice to the postal address known as:  [Your Address including Postcode]

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