Monday, 23 December 2013

Hammersmith & Fulham Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

Hammersmith & Fulham Council have been caught sending out "insulting" Christmas cards. Christmas cards warning "Don't overindulge this Christmas. Pay your rent!", have been sent out to west London council tenants.

Not only are Hammersmith & Fulham Council demanding Council Tax unlawfully from their 'residents' and 'inhabitants', but they are allowing the syphoning off of collected Public Funds into corporate hands for the benefits of corporate shareholders and employees. As we can see clearly the Joint Venture Company that they set up with Agilisys was building upon the already existing "strategic partnership":
"Agilisys and H&F created a Joint Venture Company (JVC), called the Hammersmith & Fulham Bridge Partnership (HFBP), as the vehicle to deliver transformational change and savings. The JVC built on the existing innovative Council-Agilisys strategic partnership to combine the Council’s high customer satisfaction rating for its IT service, history of facilities management, and leading support for other local authorities, with Agilisys’ strong commercial and marketing skills. Agilisys holds an 80% shareholding in HFBP, with the Council holding the remainder, with a profit share on new business and cost savings."

ALL corporate-council partnerships are primarily for corporate profits and secondly for delivering local services! That is the huge SCAM of the corporate control of councils whilst the councils claim to be delivering better services - private pensions, debt interest payments, large expense accounts, promoting other corporations and EU agendas, etc, ALL are FRAUD by definition!

Every 'Bedroom Tax' Housing Benefit decision is unlawul!

Yet another example of serious Misconduct in Public Office!

The corporate council CRIMINALS, who are taking benefits from those entitled, WILL be caught and held to account for their CRIMES!

Aggressive bailiffs noted on BBC...

Even the BBC are reporting about bullying and aggressive bailiffs!

As already reported on this blog, bailiffs have harassed various people to suicide and have recently been shot at and wounded for harassing people for the FRAUDULENT Council Tax!

When will the corporate councils STOP their demands for the FRAUDULENT tax, that they primarily use for interest payments on debts, on private pensions, on 'expenses', on private corporate profits, and which a fraction of is used for local services? The council staff that read this will know all-too-well that councils are committing serious CRIMINAL offences by issuing their own 'summonses' and 'liability orders', and that Misconduct in Public Office can lead to prosecution and imprisonment!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Corporate councils are refusing 'bedroom tax' help to disabled people!

"In some councils as few as 14% are given help from fund intended to smooth introduction of bedroom tax"

"But a survey of councils by the National Housing Federation found that 29% of disabled people affected by the bedroom tax were turned down for help in the six months from April, and in some councils less than three in 10 disabled applicants were successful"

The corporate hypocrites and liars administering councils are denying essential benefits to disabled people, in preference to their private profits. This constitutes Misconduct in Public Office and Misappropriation of Public Funds, both serious CRIMINAL offences!
Time for many more to STOP PAYING the FRAUDULENT 'Council Tax' to FRAUDULENT councils!

Coventry Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

Coventry Council have been caught (in 2012) issuing FRAUDULENT summons that claim to be issued by the Magistrates Court.

Council & Court FRAUD exposed

The reality is that all the corporate councils are issuing their own summons FRAUDULENTLY! As the courts and councils know quite well, a 'Summons' and/or 'Liability Order' both need a court stamp and a proper signature of the Magistrate. They never do and therefore constitute FRAUD, by definition, which is a serious CRIMINAL offence!

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Kingston Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

Kingston Council, just another corporate controlled FRAUD, are making tens of thousands a week from imposing 'fines' upon ordinary people and their daily activities. Yet the law (both Statute and Common) is clear on this issue!

Magna Carta 1297, Clause 29. "NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right."
As NO corporate council follows Due Process and instead use non-legally qualified personnel for issuing liability orders and fines, EVERY corporate council is committing serious CRIMINAL offences at both Common Law and Statutory Law!

Time to STOP PAYING Council Tax and DEMAND proper and lawful/legal accountability!

'Rotten' councils hurting landlords

 Over and over again, corporate councils have been enforcing the fraudulent and unlawful 'Bedroom Tax' and the fraudulent Council Tax, using threats and harassment and theft of private property.

With landlords being hit financially, it is well beyond time for the majority to make a Lawful Rebellion against the unlawful measures from the corporate controlled government!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

North Somerset Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

NSC FAIL to answer a FOI request even vaguely adequately!

It would appear that NSC have a LOT to hide!

Time for the Inhabitants of Somerset to STOP PAYING Council Tax for corporate FRAUD!

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Essex - a MORE 'rotten borough'!

Essex 'social services' have stolen ANOTHER child, this time from the womb!

There appears to be NO LIMIT to the CRIMINAL activities of the 'rotten borough' of Essex!
Time for the people of Essex to STOP PAYING Council Tax and demand accountability!

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Testimonies of disabled people expose the ROTTEN corporate councils & government!

Yet MORE examples of the disgusting activities of the CRIMINAL corporate councils as they enforce the CRIMINAL Acts and Statutes of the corporate government.

In the year 2010-2011 10,400 disabled people died with weeks of having their benefits denied by the ROTTEN corporations that run councils and welfare departments. 6,000 of those were suicides!
These testimonies show quite clearly how 'Public Servants' are acting on behalf of private-for-profit corporate interests as they literally steal the rightful funds and even homes from disabled people, and cause MASSIVE HARM to families around Britain. These acts are against International Law and against Britain's Common and Constitutional Laws. That means only one thing - the councils are staffed by willful CRIMINALS who often claim that they were 'only obeying orders' (like the Nazis claimed when they lost the war!), an excuse which the Nuremberg Laws made clear is NO EXCUSE!
NOW is the time to STOP PAYING Council Tax to the disgraceful CRIMINALS in the corporate councils!

Croydon Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

The corporate CRIMINALS in Croydon Council are attempting to stop a soup kitchen for homeless people after it's been going for 37 years!

Just another example of FAKE and FRAUDULENT 'Public Servants' (in receipt of Public Funds) failing in their duty to the public! These enforcers of corporate policies are working hard to make profits for the private-for-profit corporations that they truly serve, as they steal millions from the people of Britain for their private pensions, dodgy investments, unlimited expenses, interest on debts, etc etc.
Time for the decent people of Croydon to STOP PAYING any more Council Tax and demand accountability!

Friday, 29 November 2013

CRIMINAL Tory councillor gets caught!

A typical Tory councillor steals from a sick 91 year old woman!

As has been shown repeatedly, MANY Tory politicians are little more than CRIMINALS!
Time to STOP PAYING Council Tax for these lowlife!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Camden - another 'rotten borough'!

Camden council, another corrupt corporation, stealing Public Funds for private profits, is so neglecting its population that it is creating a 'Dickensian' situation of poverty!

As with ALL corporate-run councils, the CORRUPTION is BLATANT! When the corruption gets to the point where it is driving decent people into poverty, homelessness, malnutrition and even death, then the system MUST BE CHANGED!
Time to STOP PAYING Council Tax and DEMAND a Lawful and Accountable system!

Cameron misleads Parliament on Bedroom Tax...

David Cameron, the illegitimate 'coalition' PM is a ROTTEN LIAR, and has mislead Parliament and Britons YET AGAIN!

The CRIMINAL corporate councils are enforcing 'acts' which are AGAINST Common Law and AGAINST many Statutory Laws. Cameron is clearly (with his many rotten policies) acting AGAINST the interests of the country and its people and (along with his entire vested-interest corporate 'mafia') should be REMOVED FROM OFFICE IMMEDIATELY! NO corporate councils should be supporting the 'coalition' FAKE government or its LIES!
Time to STOP PAYING Council Tax and demand a system with FULL DISCLOSURE and NO CORPORATIONS using Public Funds for private profits!

Monday, 25 November 2013

The corporate councils and the CSA may want read this...

Halsburys Law states administrative courts unlawful. 

The law is absolutely clear on this subject. There is NO authority for administrative courts in this country and no Act can be passed to legitimise them because of the constitutional restraints placed upon her Majesty at Her coronation. The collection of revenue by such means is extortion, and extortion has been found reprehensible since ancient times.  
Separation of powers Today, in the year 2011, we find for example, that in the council tax regulations, the billing authority, the prosecuting authority and the enforcement authority are all vested in the same body. The same bodies even purport to issue their own legal documents, by tacit agreement with the Courts. In our system of Common Law, the rule of law demands that we have a separation of powers. Today, the powers are not separated. The executive is not a distinct, free-standing leg of the tripod. The executive now emerges directly from within the elected Chamber of the legislature where previously it emanated directly from the Monarch. That leads to constitutional confusion—because the executive has seized and misuses Parliament’s democratic credentials for its own, destructive, purposes. 
Fortunately, we have something to which we can turn to preserve our ancient laws and freedoms. We have the Oath that Her Majesty The Queen took at her coronation by which she is solemnly bound and from which no one in England, Wales and Scotland has released her. At Her Coronation the Queen swore to govern us, “according to [our] respective laws and customs”. Certainly, among our reputed “customs”, is precisely that invaluable and widely admired tripartite division of the powers. The judiciary is part and parcel of our customary system of internal sovereignty—“the Queen in Parliament”. It is one of the three separate but symbiotic powers, and it is a capricious and self-serving contention that it should not have the power to preserve the authority of the legislature over the executive. It is a constitutional principle that the assent of the Queen & Parliament is prerequisite to the establishment of a Court which can operate a system of administrative law in Her Majesty’s Courts in England. This was confirmed by Lord Denning during the debates on the European Communities Amendment Bill, HL Deb 08 October 1986 vol 480 cc246-95 246 at 250: “There is our judicial system deriving from the Crown as the source and fountain of justice. No court can be set up in England, no court can exist in England, except by the authority of the Queen and Parliament. That has been so ever since the Bill of Rights."

Essex County Council FRAUD!

Essex County Council staff have been committing MASSIVE FRAUD by spending millions on their unnecessary expenses. They are just one of the MANY corporate councils that have been found to be squandering Public Funds and thereby committing the SERIOUS CRIMINAL OFFENCE of Misappropriation of Public Funds! Those found guilty (especially the managers and council leaders) should be subject to heavy fines and sacked in disgrace, and in some cases imprisoned!

When enough people in Essex STOP PAYING Council Tax and DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY, then the situation will have to change!

Corporate councils and the LAW

Corporate Manslaughter is a serious offence. Many of the corporate-run councils are committing this SERIOUS CRIME. Many have already died as a DIRECT consequence of corporate councils harassing and threatening them. These CRIMINAL corporate councils have been imposing unlawful AND illegal 'Acts' that were invented by corporate owned politicians for private and corporate profits.

The 'laws' (corporate rules), such as the Local Government Finance Act 1992, make very clear that Council Tax IS subject to agreement/contract directly because it ONLY applies (as defined in the Act) to non-domestic property! That means that ANY liability for domestic property MUST be agreed upon and be subject to FULL DISCLOSURE and performance, as well as wet-mark signatures of both parties, to be Lawful OR Legal! This also means that the corporate councils making 'demands with menaces' (threatening fines and/or action by debt collectors and bailiffs) are acting totally UNLAWFULLY and ILLEGALLY.
When the corporate councils take public funds for their private pensions, debt interest, expense accounts, corporate promotion, etc, and don't list such expenditure in the accounts, they are committing the SERIOUS CRIMES of Fraud, Misappropriation of Public Funds, Misconduct in Public Office, and more. They are CRIMINALS by definition!
It will only take a reasonable proportion of the population to realise these FACTS and the whole SCAM FOR PRIVATE PROFIT will be exposed and have to be completely renegotiated!
Time to STOP PAYING Council Tax!

Corrupt corporate councils are breaking International Law!

"Never in all my years in the caring Profession have I come across this, in this day and age the 21st Century which is despicable and unacceptable."
"We as a Nation together should stand to together against Austerity and be ready to help others who need our help. And as neighbours to our elderly, poor, sick, disabled and vulnerable this can happen to anyone young or old, and is happening each and every day as 70 sick, disabled, unemployed and homeless are pushed into dire poverty and onto the streets or suicide."

The disgusting and corrupt corporate councils are clearly staffed by psychopaths and narcissists, people without empathy and/or so brainwashed and ignorant that they cannot find even basic humanity! When it comes to proper accountability these nasty people will face serious penalties and imprisonment for their obvious CRIMES!
Time to STOP PAYING Council Tax to ANY corporate councils!

'Bedroom Tax' driving homelessness...

"The rise in void properties has meant that over 700 homes in the sector are increasingly hard to let, with many remaining empty. With an estimated 90,000 people on social housing waiting lists, can we justify a policy that sees Wales losing out on 1,000 affordable homes?”
"CHC believes that landlords are faced with tough choices and that this policy threatens social justice and cohesion, turning tenant against tenant, tenant against landlord and vice versa."

Yet another example of CORRUPT BY DESIGN policies that are serious HARM to individuals, families, and communities. The corporate councils are complicit in these OBVIOUS CRIMES and many in the corporate councils know exactly what they are doing and how very wrong it is!
It is time to STOP PAYING Council Tax to these CORRUPT CORPORATIONS!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Do we have to pay Council Tax?

After the trailer, here is the excellent full movie from White Rabbit, asking the obvious question! 

Do we have to pay Council Tax? - The Movie - by White Rabbit
Si Spaniard analyses the various law governing the liability for paying Council Tax and discovers that THERE IS NO LAW THAT SAYS YOU HAVE TO PAY COUNCIL TAX, if you live in Domestic property! This means that councils and their staff that demand payment of Council Tax according to 'authority' given to them by law, are committing FRAUD! They can be proven to be committing FRAUD and therefore can be prosecuted for their BLATANT FRAUD! 

NB. the above link to the video from Si Spaniard is now showing as "Private". Hopefully it will be uploaded to other pages soon!

HA Chief urges abolition of 'Bedroom Tax'

"The chief of a North East housing association has written a personal letter to the Prime Minister urging him to scrap the bedroom tax.
  Iain Sim, chief executive of Coast & Country, asks Cameron to intervene to “abolish this most abhorrent of policies”. "

More and more people are discovering basic integrity and realising that MASSIVE FRAUD is happening at the highest levels of the corporate councils and government!

On Council FRAUD...

Communities Minister Baroness Stowell said: "It is good that councils detected £178m of fraud last year, but they need to go further."

The detection rate is pathetic. Corporate councils are committing FRAUD, by definition, every day and at the highest levels!

The BLATANT FRAUD of councils around the country...

The MASSIVE SCAM continues...

Private-for-profit corporate-run councils are rewarding FRAUD with Public Funds! Obviously they are all-in-it together and are running the whole SCAM from secretive meetings and decisions, quangos and dodgy 'Public Servants' and their dodgy departments!

How UTTERLY DISGUSTING that these CRIMINALS in Capita (TVL, Census, various councils, etc) and SERCO (dozens of corporate councils run by them) are creaming-off Public Funds for their corporate profits and the FRAUDULENT LIARS in the corporate councils are protecting them. This level of FRAUD (by definition in law) will result in up to LIFE IN PRISON for MANY of the CHEATS in the corporate councils, and deservedly so!

The Labour Party Ltd - USELESS ON TAX (or law)!

Most folk know the result of the USELESS Labour Party debate and vote!

The Labour Party Ltd, a private-for-profit company, that traded during Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's 'leadership' as "Alistair Darling MP" (weird name for a company!), has consistently NOT protected the inviolable and inalienable rights and freedoms that are clearly and irreversibly in Britain's Common and Constitutional Laws and Statutory Laws! 'NuLabour' are a warmonger party that has supported illegal wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria and the use and supply of illegal weapons for those wars by British companies and with vast profit going to the illegitimate 'coalition' government (UK plc) and their private shareholders. 'NuLabour' are NO OPPOSITION at all and should be ignored by the majority!

When hundreds of thousands of people STOP PAYING the FRAUDULENT 'Council Tax' to corporate councils then those same bankrupt corporations will demand fundamental changes!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Demolishing homes to deprive the homeless!

Demolishing homes while people are homeless, because they are too big? Using Public Funds?

Are these corporate councils staffed by people who are totally brain-dead? Are they so conditioned and unable to use simple powers of discretion? Are they so unfamiliar with the laws and customs of Britain that they will so easily obey orders and destroy what has taken so long to build? Do they not understand about the SERIOUS CRIME of Misappropriation of Public Funds?

Friday, 8 November 2013

Council whistleblowers wanted!

A reminder to ALL corporate council staff:

YOUR 'incorporated' employers are committing a serious CRIMINAL offence by giving you orders that are making YOU a party to their own criminal activities that constitute the serious CRIMES of Misconduct in Public Office, Misappropriation of Public Funds, and Fraud, to name a few!
As you will know, YOUR employers have sold the administration of your council to a private-for-profit corporation that is making its profits from Public Funds (FRAUD) whilst claiming that the taxes gathered are spent upon Public Services. This is made doubley serious by the FACT that the majority of Council Tax is used for private pensions, investments, interest on debts, gala dinners and limosines, unlimited expense accounts and credit cards, 'golden handshakes' for redundancy, substantial bribes to employees NOT to whistleblow about the extensive FRAUD, Common Purpose trainings, promoting other corporate interests and even promoting the EU!
As you will know, YOUR employers are cutting back on basic Public Services to the detriment of hundreds of thousands of decent people around the country! That alone makes the 'accounts' submitted to the inhabitants of council areas as BLATANT FRAUD and therefore any agreement to pay such taxes is NULL & VOID! This is precisely and directly because private-for-profit corporations are administrating council services whilst claiming that they can save money for the councils, and the same administrative corporations are siphoning-off Public Funds for their private profits, executive bonuses, shareholder dividends, etc. In most cases the evidence is in. The administrative corporations are NOT saving money in real terms, ARE profiting from Public Funds meant for the inhabitants of the area, and ARE directly causing real hardship by cutting back on Public Services, and ARE submitting FALSE accounts that do not show what is really happening!
As you will know, YOUR employers hire a court room for a day and ILLEGALLY issue summonses and liability orders without legally trained personnel present and without either court stamps or wet signatures of Magistrates or Judges. That is, by definition, a SERIOUS CRIMINAL OFFENCE! To make matters worse the same non-legally trained corporate council staff add substantial charges to make vast profits from the non-existent and illegal 'Liability Orders' that were issued fraudulently in the first place and add these charges to their demands and 'notices' (both offers to contract) without issuing a true Bill or Invoice because of the legal implications of issuing an invoice fraudulently and for services NOT provided! Just MORE corporate SCAM!

NOW is the time to 'blow the whistle' on ALL fraud that is occurring in councils!
We encourage all potential council whistleblowers to come forward and know that they are doing the right thing by exposing the ROTTEN corporate system!
One such whistleblower was reported here:

Anyone wanting to expose the level of corporate curruption can use this site:

Lawful Rebellion and Council Tax

The excellent and comprehensive article, from 3 years ago, on the Lawful Rebellion site, about non-payment of Council Tax:

The information should be an inspiration to anyone wanting to expose the FRAUD of the corporate councils and their FRAUDULENT and therefore CRIMINAL demands for local tax (using FRAUDULENT accounts, FRAUDULENT courts, and FRAUDULENT claims of 'legality'!), that is lawfully and legally VOLUNTARY and therefore clearly subject to agreement/contract under the Local Government Finance Act itself (see the previous post about Dwellings and Hereditaments)!

When the thousands of people, who disagree with the MASSIVE FRAUD of corporate councils, take action to refuse to contract and no longer pay for corporate FRAUD, then the system will have to fundamentally change!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Tory councils raising taxes

"Almost a third of all local authorities in England plan to increase council tax next year despite a government incentive to freeze it, according to new research."

So Public Funds are being used to provide an incentive to corporate councils NOT to raise Council Tax, but Tory corporate councils are going ahead with a rise anyway?
Does this mean that the corporate council executives are overspending on copper-bottomed pensions, dodgy investments, gala dinners, unlimited expenses, Common Purpose trainings, interest on debts, etc etc, and can't rob money from Public Services anymore?

KHT - "pay your rent or we take your kids"

In a disgraceful letter circulating tenants, Knowsley Housing Trust have threatened to take children from families that fall behind on their rent!
"...we must make you aware that if there are children at your property, a referral has now been made to Children's Social Care (Social Services) as the children at your property are now at risk of becoming homeless"
"The phrase in the above letter says that KHT will inform social services about your children and this has caused huge consternation and stress upon tenants who believe this means social services will take their children off them.  The wording that your children are at risk is either ineptitude writ large or deliberate and if so then that is abuse!"

"What this means in practical terms is that if a homeless family is deemed to be intentionally homeless under the housing duty then social services have a duty to the children (and their parents) to rehouse and ensure they are not destitute.  It does not mean social services only have to rehouse the children and not the parents.  It does not mean that children will be taken away from their parents either.  It simply means that the social services department rather than the housing. department have legal duties and responsibilities to rehouse you."

Using intimidation and threat to demand payment is a CRIMINAL offence! Those who wrote and authorised the letter should be severely disciplined, pay reduced and even sacked, and face prosecution for distress caused and to pay compensation to those harmed!
Councils that pay out any Housing Benefits to these type of housing trusts and associations do have the power to prosecute landlords for fraud and other law breaking. In this case VERY strong action is required to send a clear message that this type of behaviour is unacceptable and illegal!

Tory Mayor - Disabled kids "I would guillotine them."

Another example of the incredibly LOW standard of council personnel!

" He has now quit as deputy mayor but yesterday stood by his outburst.
He said: "I indicated at that point that perhaps the guillotine might be better.
"These are children you can't educate. It's merely a matter of caring for them until they die. "

It appears that, not satisfied with cheating Billions of pounds from the Public Trust (that was granted for the benefit of the Beneficiaries), not satified with stealing tens of thousands of children for their corporate FRAUD and international forced adoption rackets, the CRIMINAL corporate councils are introducing their 'inhabitants' to ideas of eugenics and a dark future for humanity! What next? Culling the old and infirm after stealing their pensions?

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Councils threaten evictions...

Never mind 'devolution'! That the Scottish councils are enforcing CRIMINAL and FRAUDULENT demands for money from ineligable domestic property, is bad enough. Now they are threatening evictions for FRAUDULENT demands that have NO LAW behind them!

These councils are either staffed by hopelessly ignorant, complacent and therefore complicit people, whose ignorance is NO DEFENCE when charges of FRAUD are made, OR they are staffed by malicious, psychotic, sadistic, fake 'public servants' (anyone receiving Public Funds!), who are CRIMINALS BY DEFINITION!
As most folk know, support for criminals is support for CRIME!

Redefining a Dining Room as a 'Bedroom'?

The LYING & CHEATING corporate councils that have NO LAW behind their demands for applying 'council tax' (mostly spent upon FRAUD!) on domestic property, are attempting to define a dining room as a bedroom so that they can FRAUDULENTLY charge a tax on it!

It's time to EXPOSE the CRIMINAL corporate SCAMMERS and FRAUDSTERS in councils across the country!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Another woman evicted for Council Tax debt!

Whilst administering treasonous laws made up by corporations for private profits, the corporate councils are damaging many lives and even driving people to suicide, and all for their shareholders' dividends!

"I've had a terrible year. I moved into my home in January and by February my daughter had been taken from me into care."

The CRIMINAL corporate SCUM who are implementing these measures, are lining their own pockets in bonuses and copper-bottomed pensions, huge severance packages and even bribery to prevent whistleblowers! They are FRAUDULENT and therefore CRIMINAL by definition!

Friday, 25 October 2013

Paying Council Tax is Illegal!

Paying Council Tax is illegal!

"They do not have the authority to instruct a Bailiff because their cost cutting short cuts made them skip getting a lawful Liability Order. After asking them repeatedly for the Liability Order they simply were unable to provide one. Without such an order, they have no authority to instruct a certified Bailiff. Of course they could show me their rubber stamped list of 600 names, but I doubt they want to do that. "

Enforcing the FRAUDULENT Council Tax upon people living in their private dwellings is a CRIME! Issuing FAKE Liability Orders that cannot be provided and therefore do NOT exist is yet another example of FRAUD and Misconduct in Public Office, both serious CRIMINAL offences!

Void Orders work!

A proven method of defeating fraudulent recovery of debts that don't exist!

Download the podcast and be able to pass it on to others. Also download the Document Pack and learn the method!

A "Dwelling" is an "Hereditament" NOT "domestic property"...

The CRIMINAL corporate councils have been using a definition in law that excludes ANYONE who lives in "private domestic property" from paying the unlawful Council Tax!

"If we are not mistaken it would appear that the only property liable to Council Tax is a ‘Dwelling’ and a ‘Dwelling’ is not Domestic Property, a ‘Dwelling’, it would appear is a ‘hereditament’.
The above are not my “opinions” they are the LAW as it is ‘interpreted’ by Parliamentarians, Judges, the Courts and all agents of the Government including Bolton Council.
It would appear that a hereditament in respect of Domestic Property is a Domestic Property that part only is used, wholly or mainly, for the running of a commercial  business for profit, or, a charitable concern, or, a room used for the local prospective candidates for Public meetings, or, exhibition advertising signs, or, storage of plant and machinery, indeed anything but DOMESTIC PROPERTY used wholly for LIVING ACCOMMODATION."

Council Tax - Legal?

The Court Case part 2

There can only be one conclusion. The corporate councils are acting FRAUDULENTLY, and therefore CRIMINALLY, when forcing the unlawful Council Tax upon ANY private domestic property!

Councils acting unlawfully, by definition!

Councils are unlawfully collecting penalties from debtors settling their accounts prior to any court action. This procedure is not in accordance with Regulation 34(5) of the Council Tax Regulations, which requires that the authority shall not proceed with the application if the aggregate of the outstanding debt and costs reasonably incurred by the authority is paid or tendered to it.
Essentially authorities are not lawfully permitted to charge debtors the liability order costs detailed in Regulation 34(7)(b) in such circumstances, however, by charging these costs prematurely at the summons stage, they are doing exactly this.

Yet another example of corporate councils acting unlawfully. This constitutes the serious CRIME of Fraud and when reported to police cannot be construed as a "civil matter" (as police like to call it), but as a CRIMINAL offence is subject to arrest and prosecution!
What is VERY clear is that ALL the CRIMINAL corporate councils MUST be brought to account for their obvious CRIMES!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Minister wants her 3 bedroom house converted to 1 bedroom!

The minister says what?
The article includes some lovely pics of the new conversion to her home, to make it meet the new government requirements on spare bedrooms!

These disgusting scum have been ruining lives and are guilty of the manslaughter of thousands of people who have had their benefits denied! There are more and more suicides of people in debt, directly because of government policies, every week!

Down the White Rabbit hole!

The scandal of corporate council FRAUD continues...

White Rabbit Education input:
Why should anyone be forced to pay for corruption?
Do we have to pay Council Tax?
This is just the trailer, with a full educational version to follow soon!
But don't let that deter you from trying out the method mentioned!

NB. as with other White Rabbit Education videos, the above link appears as "private". When the video has been uploaded to another site a new link will be posted.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Peter of England statement...

Peter of England:


If so then read this and consider...
""So who is it that really collects the taxes, runs the checkpoints, spies on the phone calls, and all the other things you don't like?
It's your neighbours, that's who. They may even be your friend or relative.
The question I have is- "Why is it so easy for them to behave this way?" By this I mean- Why is there no social price to pay for working for HMRC or MI5? Why are these people treated as "valued public servants" instead as the abusive parasites that they are?
These people live their everyday lives in OUR world, yet they spend their professional time harassing us.
It is time to return the favour. They all need their car repaired, their hair done, their relaxing time at the pub. WE, the productive class, are the people who supply all these things.
Take it away from them.""

Council Tax Reduction works!

"Council Tax Reduction" means that ANYONE can get their local council to zero the account!

This excellent page, with downloadable documents and MP3 audio file, can be fully grasped and adapted by everyone, to get their Council Tax reduced to zero!
This is a MUST READ and the MP3 is VITAL!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Housing is a Human Right!

Housing is a human right!

"Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. "

This means, in simple terms, that corporate-run councils across Britain/UK are breaking International Law by depriving people of their housing and "a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family", by enforcing UK plc corporate government policies that are, by definition, CRIMINAL and FRAUDULENT!
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’ (emphasis on housing is my own).
- See more at:
Housing is a human right. That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter: - See more at:
Housing is a human right. That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter: - See more at:
Housing is a human right. That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’
- See more at:
Housing is a human right. That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’
- See more at:

Councils across the UK are inherently ROTTEN!

The scandal of negligent and fraudulent councils, and their various departments, continues:

Birmingham CC - utterly negligent, guilty of Misappropriation of Public Funds and therefore FRAUD, and STILL escaping accountability!

Kent CC - not enough money for proper Public Services and proper Housing benefits and support, but plenty for investment in Fracking!

Councils can spend millions on bugging and surveilling their 'residents', but not enough money for proper support and accountability?

Real life tragedy in Scotland!

Oxfordshire CC show that they have no power of discretion and no humanity!

Derby Council using random nonsense to cover its GRAND FRAUD against its 'residents'!

Wales councils are enforcing a CRIMINAL leglislation to the cost of their own voters! How STUPID is that?

The SCANDAL of councils flouting the law and putting evicted families in B&Bs!

Harlow Council are illegally and unlawfully declaring peoples' rooms as different from their proper use in order to make more money!

There are MANY more examples!

The big question is surely about why ANYONE is paying these CORPORATE CRIMINALS!

Housing is a human right. That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’
- See more at:
Housing is a human right. That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’
- See more at:
Housing is a human right. That isn’t just my opinion, but also that of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 25 of the declaration, concerning the right to an adequate standard of living, is clear on the matter:
‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’
- See more at:

Useful method to stop the bailiffs...

Someone posted this to another site recently. It may prove VERY useful for folk facing CT claims, bailiffs, etc:

"Have a look at at and pay the fee to see if you have any orders made against you and you will find that no order was obtained concerning council tax, use this evidence to get the council to stop the bailiffs. I used my own evidence from the site to stop an attachment of earnings order being placed onto my wage and have not heard anything from the council regarding my council tax since beginning of August."

Friday, 11 October 2013

'Bedroom Tax' is ruining lives!

The illegal 'Bedroom Tax' (against Human Rights - as declared by the UN inspector!) has been ruining lives across Britain, Scotland and the rest of the UK!

But even more ridiculous is how local councils are enforcing legislation that is AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS and therefore CRIMINAL!
Time for the majority to STOP PAYING Council Tax until they join in the Lawful Rebellion that will STOP the CRIMINAL government from ruining any more lives!

Most politicians are 'idiots'...

Some of the millionaire politicians seem to not have a clue about 'ordinary people' and their lives! Or are many of them simply deviants and criminals?

Maybe it really is time for total reform of the system whereby millionaires can be politicians and where large numbers of those politicians and their staff (Public Trust Trustees) can be paid so much in Public Funds whilst hundreds of thousands of people face losing their homes and even lives because of fake debts and corrupt government policies (such as the 'Bedroom Tax') that are illegal, by definition, directly because they deny Beneficiaries the Benefits of being in the Public Trust! Any Trustee caught embezzling Public Funds (as many have) must be removed from office, lose anything that they gained from their position and be heavily fined for their CRIMES!

Monday, 23 September 2013

Corporate councils are wasting millions...

While thousands of people and their families are being driven into debt and facing eviction, the corporate councils are wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds on telephone 'hold caller songs'? This is, by definition, very serious Misappropriation of Public Funds!

Debts and summonses for unlawful Council Tax?

Any harm committed to the Beneficiaries of the Public Trust, by the Trustees, signfies a criminal offence. Driving people into arbitration via private-for-profit corporate courts, over debts that are the direct result of the Misappropriation of Public Funds by the Trustees, all constitutes a serious criminal offence subject to imprisonment.
"...people are being pushed into deeper poverty following the Welfare Act Bill and cuts to the benefit system."

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Tens of thousands facing eviction for CT arrears?

This disgraceful CRIMINAL scandal is not going away.
With tens of thousands of people facing eviction directly because of government policies, it is safe to say that the Trustees of the Public Trust (UK plc) are committing SERIOUS CRIMINAL OFFENCES, including Misconduct in Public Office, Misappropriation of Public Funds and Treason!

Time for the majority to STOP PAYING COUNCIL TAX!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

'Bedroom Tax' costs more than it saves!

FRAUDULENT corporate councils are operating a HUGE SCAM FOR PRIVATE PROFIT!
That is the only conclusion to come to when considering the scandals of high and mostly fraudulent (spent on pensions, investments, corporate expenses, interest on debts, corporate profits, etc) Council Tax!
When it is known that the 'Bedroom Tax' is costing more than it saves then what can possibly be the purpose of it? To drive people from their homes in debt, or hold them in debt and force them to work for zero-hour contracts for their meagre 'benefits'?

Councils CAN be brought to account for their CRIMINAL activity:

When enough people make inquiries and disputes with the corrupt corporate councils, then the system will fail and collapse. When enough folk STOP PAYING COUNCIL TAX then the Trustees of the Public Trust will be brought to account!

UN housing expert declares UK govt policy against Human Rights

 More news about the UN housing expert and her pronouncement about 'Bedroom Tax' and Human Rights:

She makes it VERY clear, that to deprive people, whether vulnerable or not, of vital housing and basic security, is against the UN Human Rights and therefore MUST be changed immediately!

When enough people STOP PAYING COUNCIL TAX, and demand that the corporate UK plc government upholds fundamental Human Rights, then the situation will change for the better!

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

UN to investigate UK plc housing failures and suicides

"...660,000 of the poorest households in Britain are expected to fall into arrears under the coalition policy, with charities warning that around two-thirds are home to someone with a disability."
UK plc is driving hundreds of thousands of people into poverty and ignoring International Law. The failures by the current government include criminal offences of actual harm to Public Trust Beneficiaries by the Trustees, theft of Public Funds, Misconduct in Public Office, Misappropriation of Public Funds and even Treason! Politicians involved are therefore CRIMINALS and should be arrested to stand trial!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Council and their bailiffs have been driving people to suicide!

Council paid bailifs in Oldham have driven a man to hang himself!

Corporate CRIMINALS in councils need to be held to account for their CRIMES!
Time to STOP PAYING COUNCIL TAX and bring private prosecutions against the CEOs of councils for PERSONAL LIABILITY for their obvious FRAUD!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Haringey magistrates to justify their Council Tax decisions to a judge in the High Court.

Haringey magistrates to justify their Council Tax decisions to a judge in the High Court.

"Haringey council was granted 1700 liability orders on the 2nd August bringing the total to over 7000 so far this year. Last year the costs were also £125 and the council gained 17,200 orders from the magistrates so collecting £2.1 million, mostly from the poorest citizens."

As clearly shown, some courts have been imposing costs for the issuing of liability orders that can never be shown to actually exist! This is collusion in FRAUD and CRIMINAL activity, by the corporate-owned courts and the corporate-run councils. They are conspiring to steal millions of Public Funds for corporate profits, thereby depriving local people of their inalienable rights at Common Law and acting against basic Human Rights and a number of Statutary Laws.
The adminstration of both courts and councils is by a CORPORATE MAFIA and is FRAUDULENT by definition!

Corporate councils have been destroying lives for profit...

More news on the terrible impact of cuts in Housing Benefit and welfare and how to survive the situation.

Toxic debts, as Housing Benefit cuts bite...

This excellent article includes ideas for FOI requests, and SAR under the Data Protection Act 1998.
Time to ONLY accept liability for any Council Tax when corporate councils obey the law and answer any questions that we may have. If FRAUDULENT and therefore CRIMINAL  activities are identified and admitted to, then private prosecutions can follow!

'Billing Authority' and the Bills of Exchange Act...

This might help people understand the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 better. 
If your local council admits that it is indeed a 'Billing Authority' then you might be able to get them under the Bill of Exchange Act 1882 for not presenting you with a true bill which must be 1) negotiable and 2) signed.

Council Tax complaint idea...

 The following was posted recently in FB with a view to sharing ideas for dealing with Council Tax complaints. It can be copied and pasted into a new doc and adapted to personal situations:

After another Summons and another Liability order on the 24th July, I then complained to the Local Government Ombudsman. I've now sent copies of all letters passed between us to both the LGO and the Chief Exec of the Council, over the past year. Letter to Chief Exec below should fill in the details. This just gone out today:

30th July 2013

Carole *******
** *** *****
*** ***

Council Tax Complaint For Chief Executive Officer

Your Ref: *********

Dear Mr *******

I have recently complained to the Local Government Ombudsman regarding your Council Tax Dept. and the decisions they are currently making.

The LGO replied saying they had contacted your office and that you were unaware of any of my complaints. 

I therefore enclose copies of all correspondence between myself and your staff in the Council Tax dept. Along with my dealings with your Revenue Collectors at the ******** Rd, ******** address.

I have also contacted local Councillors and the MP ****** *******. Cllr. ****** ******* promised me he would make sure my letter (3) would reach you, after he had shown it to other interested Councillors. But apparently it did not find you.

None of the Councillors, MP nor any of your staff in the above mentioned departments have ever directed me to any other level of the Council's complaints procedure. Consequently I have been left adrift to face Court Bailiffs for the second time this year. 

I respectfully ask that you browse through this correspondence. That you note my level of income and the option within the legislation for 'nil charge' for those, like myself, who are experiencing great difficulty in paying Council Tax.

Please take special note of the enclosed documents (14), (15) and (16). 

This letter (14) is where I offer to enter into contract with Cornwall County Council to secure local services. Treating them as the trading, profiteering company that they are. (Listed on 'Dun and Bradstreet' - the international companies list) This is because they are not making, nor seeing, any sense in their alleged capacity as a 'public authority'. Magistrate and County Courts are also listed on there as registered trading companies. Which means that their 'bailiffs' are actually 'debt collectors.' Who can only extort money from people if they contract in with them.

As you will see in (15) their dogged response to my fair offer of £5 per week was to continue with a fake Summons (no Court Seal, no wet ink signature and no pondering over my case by any individual Magistrate).

Followed by a fake Liability Order (16), (my second this year), granted en masse, along with others in similar positions, with no pondering over each case by any individual Magistrate. But rather fast-tracked by what appear to be merely Council staff.

I took the liberty of contracting the Magistrates Court earlier this year to ask if they had issued a Summons and granted the ensuing Liability Order in my name.

They had never heard of me.

Was it with the Council?, they asked. No, I replied. The Court has issued the Summons and granted the Liability Order, not the Council. The Council are NOT a Court.

In their capacity as registered trading companies Councils can no more demand payment, or assume any liability for payment, any more than British Telecom can. The corporation can only trade with customers via contract. With full agreement by both parties.

Also any supportive statute/legislation would also require the consent of the individual people. 

Statutes are not 'Law' until we consent.

Some serious overhaul of the Council Tax system needs to be undertaken. Knowledge of the trading status of Councils and Courts is spreading thoughout the land. People are forming groups to meet up outside the Courts to challenge the officers within. This tsunami will only grow in size.

Had Council Tax officers/revenue collectors not been so dogmatic in their attempts to wring blood out of stone the people would not have been forced to delve deeper into the true nature of our County Councils and Courts. But here we are ...

I am hoping you can persuade them to take a more lenient tone with those, like myself, who are experiencing difficulties. To adopt clauses that are already available for use in the legislation:

Local Government Finance Act 2012

“SCHEDULE 1A Council tax reduction schemes: England

(2) The classes may be determined by reference to, in particular—
(a) the income of any person liable to pay council tax to the authority in respect of a dwelling;
(b) the capital of any such person;
(c) the income and capital of any other person who is a resident of the dwelling;
(d) the number of dependants of any person within paragraph (a) or (c);
(e) whether the person has made an application for the reduction.

(4) A reduction may be— ...

(d) the whole amount of council tax (so that the amount payable is nil).'

These 'court' actions have been taken against me by CCC's vicious revenue collectors. Despite my near zero income. Of which they are well aware. However, I will still continue to pay in £5 per week. Despite not being able to afford to. Despite the continual harassment I receive from the CT office. Despite that I will be taken to Court, year in, year out. As I wait eternally for the 'bailiffs' to come to my door. For a contract I cannot, and do not wish to, enter into.

Many more will soon follow in my footsteps as news travels around. Please give this your urgent attention. 


Council Tax, Legal?

Council Tax, Legal?

Council Tax Enforcement - are our councils lying to us?

It certainly appears that corporate councils are operating outside of established law and making vast profits from Public Funds. Those responsible are therefore committing FRAUD and are, by definition, CRIMINALS!
By informing those working within corporate councils of the relevant legislation and the obvious FRAUD, the Tort (Harm) becomes INTENTIONAL and therefore CRIMINAL at both Common AND Statutary Law.
When the majority STOP PAYING Council Tax and demand proper accountability, insist upon adherence to the laws of Britain, and require PRIVATE agreements for services provided (with Full Disclosure of ALL aspects of any such agreement at the point of signing), in order to pay what is Lawfully owed, then if these CRIMINALS continue their FRAUD they will be subject to numerous prosecutions leading to hefty fines and imprisonment!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Corporate councils criticised for using bailiffs!

The FRAUDULENT corporate-run councils are using intimidation and harassment because they are like Mafia! These corporations are CRIMINALS using Public Funds for private profits while they sell off Public Assets and services that belong to/were paid for by the Public Funds! They are CRIMINALS, BY DEFINITION!

For the same CRIMINAL councils to use over 70% of the funds collected by Council Tax for spending OTHER THAN Public Services, and then claim that they are collecting the funds legitimately, is a ROTTEN LIE! Most Council Tax is used for copper-bottomed pensions for corporate council staff and executives while the people they were employed to SERVE are being robbed, driven out of their homes, taxed into debt and malnutrition, and (in many cases) driven to extreme depression and suicide!
Some councils use most of the Council Tax collected to pay the INTEREST ON THEIR DEBTS! The question is, how did they get so into debt? It certainly was NOT by providing Public Services!


Families being harmed by Council Taxes

Council Tax is a disgusting CRIMINAL SCAM by FRAUDULENT and CRIMINAL corporate-run councils!

Whilst corporate executives get MASSIVE pay rises there are mothers turning to prostitution to feed their children!

It is totally irrelevant whether one council is involved in one story or another. ALL the corporate councils are committing FRAUD, by definition! Using Public Funds for the profits of private corporations is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE subject to imprisonment!
ANY support for these PROVEN CRIMINALS is complicity in their crimes!