Sunday, 25 August 2013

Haringey magistrates to justify their Council Tax decisions to a judge in the High Court.

Haringey magistrates to justify their Council Tax decisions to a judge in the High Court.

"Haringey council was granted 1700 liability orders on the 2nd August bringing the total to over 7000 so far this year. Last year the costs were also £125 and the council gained 17,200 orders from the magistrates so collecting £2.1 million, mostly from the poorest citizens."

As clearly shown, some courts have been imposing costs for the issuing of liability orders that can never be shown to actually exist! This is collusion in FRAUD and CRIMINAL activity, by the corporate-owned courts and the corporate-run councils. They are conspiring to steal millions of Public Funds for corporate profits, thereby depriving local people of their inalienable rights at Common Law and acting against basic Human Rights and a number of Statutary Laws.
The adminstration of both courts and councils is by a CORPORATE MAFIA and is FRAUDULENT by definition!


  1. I served fraud notice on South Lakeland District Council, their Bailiffs and the Magistrates Court in Kendal over 12 months ago. The bailiffs are still harrassing (jacobs) despite the home being inhabited having vulnerable adults!! These people are behaving like criminals.

  2. You need to stop saying common law because that definition itself implies commercial law, its safer to say Natural law, or gods law, which has been verified on the crowns own badge, dieu et mon droit (god and my right). Council tax should only be issued to corporate bodies. Thats why they use the word person and not man or individual as this needs your consent. Its easy to get out of council tax as you just enter the magistrates and say under the magistrates court act 111. Any person aggrieved by the decision can state a case for the opinion of the high courts. in other words, you have to follow their pathway. appeal till you have to gain remedy from the lord chief justice contract no crime.
