Friday, 25 October 2013

Paying Council Tax is Illegal!

Paying Council Tax is illegal!

"They do not have the authority to instruct a Bailiff because their cost cutting short cuts made them skip getting a lawful Liability Order. After asking them repeatedly for the Liability Order they simply were unable to provide one. Without such an order, they have no authority to instruct a certified Bailiff. Of course they could show me their rubber stamped list of 600 names, but I doubt they want to do that. "

Enforcing the FRAUDULENT Council Tax upon people living in their private dwellings is a CRIME! Issuing FAKE Liability Orders that cannot be provided and therefore do NOT exist is yet another example of FRAUD and Misconduct in Public Office, both serious CRIMINAL offences!


  1. Spot on about time people woke up an stood up against these corporate thieves

  2. I wrote asking my council a list of questions like "If the Human Rights Act states we are ALL entitled to a non-biased judge, then how come you're allowing a non trained person with no legal knowledge and who is a council tax worker, to judge us in a court that isn't legally open anyway? (The Magistrates and County courts were all closed between 20018 - 2011 when the HQ moved to America, making them a private business and not one allowed to enforce laws). A council tax worker is not "non-biased". I asked why I was sent a bill for things like police services when they have a DUNS number and are a private, for profit business... why was I sent a bill when I hadn't entered into a contract to pay it, and why is that the Accessories & Abettors Act 1861, (which is still in force today) means I have to withhold my taxes if I so much as suspect my government of illegal activity - which I DO... things like that. It was about 3 pages long. I got a snotty letter back telling me they weren't even going to bother answering my questions as they "felt these questions didn't warrant any merit"! I have been threatened with prison for not paying and I'm sick of being sh*t on and them taking my money when I spend most of my days bedridden and hardly go out, yet have to pay for things I don't every use.

  3. Dates in my last post said 2018 - 2011 but should've been 2008 - 2011. Sorry.
