Monday, 20 December 2021

The scandal of the crooked corporate councils & their private debts

The endless scandals of the corporate councils and their private debts, is not going away. Many councils are borrowing more to pay the private debts. Thanks to campaigners exposing the bankrupt policies, private debts, fraud and embezzlement of public money, and the overpaid staff that benefit, the issue of the squandering of billions of pounds by the corporate councils will not be allowed to be hidden.

A brief internet search reveals dozens of the corporate councils borrowing more money to pay of the illegal toxic debts that have driven one corporate council after another into debts that they cannot repay. The response of the corrupt staff of the corporate councils to their indebtedness is to pay themselves more and then harass the local inhabitants to pay for the illegal loans, such is the arrogance and criminality of these corporate 'mafia' and their paid thugs.
When the inhabitants of the areas controlled by these private corporations realise what is really going on they will want to withhold all further payments. Support for criminals is complicity in crime!

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Warrington Borough Council - a truly ROTTEN borough!

Warrington Borough Council are regularly in the spotlight with their dodgy investments. They must be controlled by dodgy councillors and dodgy executives, who should all be prosecuted and jailed for the maximum term, and be stripped of their pensions!

They invested £150 million in this collapsing company:

Despite being urged to leave their dodgy investments, they continue:

WBC is proud of its record of theft from the public purse:

Some local inhabitants will be keen to read the updates:

The local inhabitants of Warrington will rightly be appalled at the blatant theft of Public Funds by the Labour council. They may be demanding accountability. Or they may want to stop supporting the fraud and theft by withholding further payments of Council Tax.

The LOBO scandal that will not go away

What are LOBO loans?

LOBOs are expensive and high risk loans that have been described by financial experts as “lose-lose bets” with the banks. In 2015, more than 200 local authorities across the UK had LOBO loans totalling at least £12 billion. Since then, councils have successfully exited £1.4 billion worth of loans and another £3.4 billion have been transformed into fixed-rate loans.
The London borough of Newham is one of the worst offenders
All councils are private registered companies trading for profit. They are run by criminals guilty of Misconduct in Public Office and Misappropriation of Public Funds. Support for the corporate councils is support for crime. Council Tax payments are giving money to a corporate 'mafia' engaged in racketeering, harassment & intimidation, extortion, and theft.
At least Liverpool City Council has sought to mitigate the high costs of these private loans by borrowing via the Treasury to pay off the expensive loan and reduce the interest payments. 
All the other councils with these private debts can do the same but most refuse. Why? Because they are using the local inhabitants as surety and don't care about the vast sums they are wasting!

Monday, 4 October 2021

The corporate councils want more

As if providing almost no services for 18 months is acceptable, or contractually correct, the corporate councils are planning to steal even more of the inhabitants sweat equity for their private pensions, large incomes, dodgy loans and redundancies, private debts and secret reserve accounts. They are little better than a kind of 'Mafia', using threats and harassment to collect their funds.

Eventually, all inhabitants of counties will get so fed up with being coerced into paying the corrupt and entitled corporate council staff and members, that they will stop paying Council Tax. While some may demand private contracts for services, many will realise that the vital services have been cut to pay for all the debts of the bankrupt corporate councils and decide to create their own.

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Wirral Council - a truly rotten borough!

The disgraceful story of the LOBO loans will not go away. Wirral Council are trying to hide their criminality but failing:

The criminals in the corporate councils are desperate to hide their criminality. They pretend to be 'public authorities' but then act without accountability to the Public. They hide behind Non-Disclosure Agreements and Confidentiality Clauses because they are provably operating in the Private, as registered companies trading for profit.

They embezzle millions in Public Funds and pretend that they had the 'authority' to do so. The deny basic services and fail in their Duty of Care, in breach of section 78 of the Local Gov Act 1888, contravening the Fraud Act 2006. They are also in violation of the Seven Principles of Public Life, also known as The Nolan Principles.

These issues are not a matter for debate. The criminality is provable yet the police fail to investigate or recommend criminal prosecution because they are working for the same corporate agendas. Again and again the facts are made clear, but the corporate councils are apparently immune from prosecution.
When enough of the local inhabitants realise how they have been tricked and robbed by the criminals in their local council they will want to stop paying the fraud of Council Tax and bring the same criminals to account for their Gross Misconduct.

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Corporate councils & private government funding

While the corporate councils received massive payments for business grants during the "furlough" period:

Schools received a paltry sum by comparison:

Schools have also been paid large sums to "test" children, force children to wear masks, and threaten children with forced "vaccination" when they return in September.

The corporate councils received monies from the PWLB until is was "abolished" in 2020.
Now the administration of grants and loans is by the registered company "DMO":

When the local inhabitants of counties, boroughs and districts realise how much they are being conned, and how much of their Public Funds are being syphoned off into private hands, they will probably want to stop paying any more Council Taxes.

Fraudulent LOBO loans 'renegotiated' by fraudulent councils

 The fraudulent corporate councils are "renegotiating" their private high-interest bank loans, the 'loans' that drove most of the corporate councils so deeply into private debt that they will never be able to pay them off!

The corporate councils took out the 'loans' with "teaser" incentives of low rates before the dodgy banks (primarily RBS and Barclays) raised the interest rates to 8% to 'cash-in' from the Misappropriation of Public Funds (a serious criminal offence). Readers will remember how the UK government/Bank of England 'bailed out' RBS with £46 billion in 2008, using precious Public funds to rescue RBS group from collapse, and making RBS fully owned by the people of England. RBS group had been caught in numerous scandals and litigations for mortgage fraud in several US states. RBS is one of the worst banks in the world, alongside HSBC (the Mexican drug cartel bank of choice for drug money laundering) and Barclays (fined £290 million for manipulating LIBOR rates). But RBS clearly 'forgot' that point, issued large bonuses to its executives and staff, and then conspired to steal even more Public funds through high-interest loans to the corporate councils.

RBS, the national disgrace, is desperately trying to appear less criminal by offering early repayments with lower interest:
After all, RBS has already made so much money from precious Public Funds that it can afford to appear 'generous' at this point.

But now the Section 151 (Chief Financial) Officers of each of the corporate councils are trying to hold the private banks the account for their own Criminal Negligence and the Criminal Negligence of their predecessors.

"Reacting to the filing of the councils’ claim, Joel Benjamin of campaign group Debt Resistance, said: “Crippling loan breakage penalties on LOBOs can significantly dent council reserves, enough to tip some struggling councils like Northamptonshire into bankruptcy, or force councils to hike local taxes.”"

Which of course signifies that the corporate councils are private registered businesses because no "Public Authority" that exists to serve the Public could possibly declare bankruptcy. 

When the inhabitants of counties realise that they have, and are being, conned out of their hard-earned money, to pay for the Misconduct and Misfeasance in Public Office of the council executives and other officials, supported and protected by the politically-appointed councillors, they will probably want to stop paying any more Council Taxes and Business Rates.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Kent County Council - a deeply rotten borough!

 They pay themselves like bankers and corporate executives because that is what they are, private & corporate executives.

When the inhabitants of Kent realise how they are being used as surety for private debt, being robbed and embezzled from, every day, they will want to stop paying the corporate council any more!

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

The hated Poll Tax

Remember the Poll Tax? Remember the Poll Tax riots?

The "Poll Tax" was an anti-democratic tax to vote. The registration and payment allegedly gave the 'right to vote' to those that registered. The Council Tax is the same. An illegal and unlawful tax created by registration, by submission of accounts that create a contract. As we know, most of the funds raised are spent upon pensions, wages, expenses, private debts, paying private administrative corporations, corruption and fraud. While a small percentage is actually spent upon services. The Poll Tax was the same - making the poorer majority pay for the wealthy.

When the majority realise the massive scam being perpetrated against them by the corporate councils, their administrative corporations and the private banks which are making large amounts of interest from the private debts of the councils, they will want to stop paying the Council Tax that supports such criminality!

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Dodgy councils & their dodgy debts

 The long list of corporate councils deep in private debt is not going away. Several of the councils have virtually declared bankruptcy.  Many are so deeply in high interest private debt that they can only pay the interest.

Some of the councils may try to get some equity:

Perhaps the banks securitise the debt instruments and get even more than 8 times the BoE base rate?

Now there are plans for new "unitary authorities" undoubtedly to cover the criminal evidence of the previous administrations and their dodgy 'activities'. And anyone paying Council Tax is helping to fund the criminality. 

Saturday, 8 May 2021

Starve The Beast

 When hundreds of thousands of decent people stop paying the corporate criminals and fraudsters in the corporate councils, the scam of "Council Tax" will collapse and the corporate criminals will deservedly lose their jobs and pensions.

Now is the time to Starve The Beast and STOP paying the fraud of "Council Tax"!

Thursday, 18 February 2021

LED street lighting is dangerous says PHE - councils duly notified

Councils have a Duty of Care to all the local inhabitants. Installing the new LED street lights is a clear contravention of the law regarding light pollution and harm to human and other life. The corporate councils have been warned and therefore can be held liable for any harm that is caused by their installations. Many local inhabitants may want to officially notify their local council personnel of their personal liability. 

Even the police have been warned about the lighting and wear yellow lensed glasses for night driving in many areas. 

The criminally negligent councils and the individual decision makers involved should all be held personally liable for all compensation for damages. They should be suspended without pay pending investigation, and face prosecution if they refuse to cooperate. All council tax payers will be well advised to withhold further payments and stop funding this misconduct.