Monday, 2 September 2019

Bedroom Tax - the corruption of courts & councils

"But three judges at the Court of Appeal agreed to quash the Upper Tribunal decision, concluding that for the purposes of the RSRS, the term ‘bedroom’ applies to any room capable of being used as a bedroom by either a couple, an adult, a child, two children of the same sex or aged under 10.
They said the term ‘bedroom’ should not apply to the needs of a particular benefit claimant and so Ms Hockley’s family is only entitled to a two-bedroom home – despite accepting that the bedrooms in this case “are small”."
Who do the courts work for? For justice or for the corporate councils and corrupt government? In this case they have set precedent that the rest of the courts will follow. The corrupt government & councils make up 'rules' that enable themselves to be paid vast sums, receive large expense accounts and 6 figure incomes, have copper-bottomed pensions, borrow privately and force local inhabitants to pay the debts, but meanwhile impose "austerity" on the people they are sworn to serve. They are criminals and Britain is a deeply corrupted country. When enough inhabitants realise how they have been conned and are being conned every day, they will want to stop paying any more Council Tax!

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