Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Dudley Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

For those who ‘live’ within the Dudley Council area, and are being threatened with Council Tax demands, charging orders, service charges, warrants, rent arrears or fixed penalty notices; it is extremely important to realise that ‘DUDLEY COUNCIL Ltd’ is no longer trading. The local company/council has recently changed their trading name from ‘DUDLEY COUNCIL Ltd’/‘DMBC Ltd’ to ‘The BOROUGH COUNCIL DUDLEY Ltd’. Moreover, they are now registered, and are piggy backing off a false limited company number which has its registered office in London.
As we have known for several years that the local company/council is running a huge fraudulent, racketeering scheme, which is often aided by the local Magistrates Court Ltd who ‘rent’ out rooms for the council solicitors to issue bent, not bench warrants.
So as to be very clear here, ALL local councils, and the courts, are private-for-profit businesses, and as such they have zero authority whatsoever over a man/woman, unless of course ‘you’ believe that they do. They will use trickery designed to deceive and extort ‘monies’ out of those, who through no fault of their own get drawn into the fraudulent, often tacit (unspoken/unwritten) agreements. The council-company have no lawful means of harvesting the fruits of your labour, unless ‘you’ enter into a fraudulent [boxed] DOG. LATIN. agreement and ‘you’ allow yourself to be prefixed with the dead military account/title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss and or the SURNAME. For the council-company can only ever ask or require your details, remember details are what soldiers get in the armed forces and they also get posted. Please do not give out your name, address, date of birth or any other ‘details’ as there is no law in place to demand or force that ‘you’ do. They may use threats that are backed up by nothing more than Statutory Legislation, such as the ‘Local Government Finance Act 1992’. This is an ‘Act’ not Law, unless ‘you’ give the Act the force of Law by consenting and contracting with it.

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