Friday, 25 March 2016

Nottingham City Council - TRULY a 'rotten borough'!

Having cut funding from 4 different homeless hostels, Nottingham City Council have decided to spend the money saved on demonising the homeless. Horrifically outdated and stereotyping propaganda. Shame on you Nottingham City Council!

The inhabitants of Nottingham will remember the council child care home paedophile scandals that led to the closure of numerous homes. They will be aware of the campaigns by Mikey Summers and many others to expose the leading members of Nottingham City Council who have been either directly involved in paedophilia or involved in covering-up paedophilia and silencing critics. Many Nottingham inhabitants will want to know how much the council holds in its Unusable Reserve accounts and the proportion of Council Tax that goes to the council pensions. Such questions can be asked of the Section 151 Officer and viewed in the accounts.
Many Nottingham inhabitants will agree that they should STOP PAYING any Council Tax to paedophile protectors, frauds and liars!


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