Thursday, 9 July 2015

Council Tax is FRAUD - Section 151 officers & fraudulent accounting

Council Tax is a FRAUD of epic proportions.
EVERY council has huge sums in "investments", sums which are more than enough to negate the need for ANY payment of Council Tax and ANY need for cuts in services. This has been clearly established by investigations into the council financial reports and the fact that council Chief Financial Officers have been caught lying about the "reserves". Secrecy and Lies have been the 'normal practice' in ALL councils, especially since council administration was sold-off to large private corporations such as Capita, Southwest One and SERCO.
These articles leave little doubt about the extent of the FRAUD:

MANY inhabitants of different areas will want to question their local councils about the FRAUD in the local area, hold individuals to account for their CRIMES and will want to enter 'Dispute' over any demands for payments of the PROVEN FRAUDULENT Council Tax.
What may also be of great concern to local inhabitants is the FACT that Malfeasance/Misconduct in Public Office has been committed, by definition in Law, and Misappropriation of Public Funds has led directly to cuts in services that have impacted upon the lives of so many, causing large numbers of suicides of people who believed that they 'owed' money to the CRIMINAL councils. In addition, council staff have been sworn to secrecy and given large conditional payouts to prevent them from telling the truth. There may be some council staff who are ignorant of the FRAUD by their employers, in which case they should be informed as soon as possible so that they can be held legally liable for any failure to report the FRAUD!
Council officers should be reminded that the CRIMINAL OFFENCE of Misconduct in Public Office carries with it a sentence of up to 14 years in prison!

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