Saturday, 20 December 2014

Why £47bn pension black hole threatens to push up council tax

Why £47bn pension black hole threatens to push up council tax...

"Michael Johnson, author of the report, said the 89 different funds that are used to pay retired workers were "ponzi schemes in the making".
Three in four were in deficit, he said, as the amount of money paid in by workers each year was failing to cover the costs of payouts to the elderly."

As has been repeatedly made clear, more Council Tax goes to private pensions than goes to Public Services. Which means that Council Tax is FRAUDULENT and therefore CRIMINAL! Councils submit FRAUDULENT accounts with their yearly demands for payment. They do NOT include the pension spending, or the interest on debt, or the massive expenses paid to executives, or the payments/bribes to retiring council staff to prevent whistleblowing on the council FRAUD!
Council Tax pension schemes are ALREADY "ponzi schemes" that have been invested in unethical and even criminal investments, which is why the schemes have so often failed to retain original balance, failed to make any return, and have lost badly! Over and over again the CRIMINAL corporate councils have lost vast sums of Public Funds, making them guilty of Misconduct in Public Office and Misappropriation of Public Funds, both serious CRIMINAL offences!

It is time to STOP PAYING Council Tax!

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