Sunday, 19 January 2014

Millions due Housing Benefits...

"Millions of benefit claimants – who as a group fail to receive £5bn a year that they are due from the state – are being shortchanged by the welfare system rather than overindulged, a thinktank says on Sunday."

ANY of the corporate councils wanting to 'redeem' themselves can immediately ensure that ALL monies owed are paid, out of the council executive's pensions if necessary, so that Public Servants are seen to be 'serving the public'!
Council Tax is mostly a massive SCAM for corporate profits, paying of interest on debts, private pensions, expense accounts, large bonuses and redundancy packages.
The corporate councils know what they're doing, driving their inhabitants into poverty, but have been too stupid to realise that they'll lose everything if they continue with the ridiculous 'slavery' policies!
When enough inhabitants realise that all they need to do is STOP PAYING Council Tax and demand accountability, all will change for the better!

1 comment:

  1. When enough inhabitants realise that all they need to do is STOP PAYING Council Tax and demand accountability, all will change for the better!

    Indeed it will.
