Thursday, 6 February 2025

The corporate FRAUD of new "unitary councils"

I’m reading loads of comments on X that people are now cancelling paying their council tax. People have clearly had enough. Dozens of the corporate councils have declared bankruptcy after they embezzled Public Funds, used funds for their substantial wages, expenses, pensions, severance payments, revolving door consulting, dodgy contracts, Masonic coverups, cronyism, corruption and blatant mismanagement. At best they are guilty of Misconduct in Public Office, a criminal offence with up to 14 years in prison!

People are cancelling their council tax on a mass scale after it was announced that local elections in nine areas have been cancelled for May this year.

"No Taxation Without Representation."

The corporate council FRAUD of paying staff for a 4 day week

"South Cambridgeshire District Council is asking for your opinions on their four-day work week experiment, where staff work only four days but still take home 100% of their pay
This is despite:
- Council tax increasing by over 6%
- Denying local councillors a vote on the trial
- Failing to file audited accounts on time
- Senior official editing an independent report to remove negative comments
Time to tell this council to end their experiment and stop wasting taxpayers' time and money! Use our tool to tell the council what you really think and let's get this lazy council back to work! "

Those who are 'residents' and 'registered' can object:

Do you know other councils that are defrauding the public by reducing hours but paying staff the same? Try reporting them and telling them what you think!
Stop paying these criminal councils until they comply with your demands. Create dispute that cannot resolved without their compliance.