Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Corporate councils suing Barclays

7 councils in England are suing Barclays over bank loans worth more than £500m they claim they were fraudulently sold.


The local authorities claim the banking giant manipulated the interest rates on the products, known as lobo loans.
Councils taking the action are
- Leeds
- Greater Manchester
- Newcastle
- North East Lincolnshire
- Nottingham
- Oldham
- Sheffield

Greater Manchester's LOBO loans - another CRIMINAL corporate council!

Manchester City Council is another corporate criminal organisation, using the local registered inhabitants as securities against massive private borrowing.


Where does all that private borrowing go?
30+% goes to the crooked council's private pension funds.
Another 30+% goes on wages and expenses.
Another 10-15% is paid against the interest on the massive private borrowing
No doubt Manchester inhabitants can think of other ways that the crooked council wastes Public Funds and leaves a minimal amount for Public Services.

Many of the inhabitants of Greater Manchester will be considering ending payments to GMC when they discover how they are being robbed by the same corporation.