Saturday, 20 January 2024

Council energy fraud and massive loss of Public Funds

13 energy companies invested in by local authorities lost a total of £74,106,589 over four years from 2016-17 to 2019-20. These companies were either fully or partially owned by a local authority. 

The biggest loss in a single year was 2018-19, when councils lost a combined total of £39,585,046.  

The eight council-owned energy companies lost a combined £114,022,019 over the same period.  

The total amount of public capital investment committed to energy companies in which local authorities had a financial interest between 2016-17 and 2020-21 was £132,310,960.

These massive losses have undoubtedly contributed to the corporate councils declaring bankruptcy. The scandal will not and should not go away. Those individuals involved must be brought to account. 

Friday, 19 January 2024

Oxfordshire County Council - a very 'rotten borough'!

 "Cash-strapped Oxford council splurges nearly £10,000 in taxpayers' money on COLOURING BOOKS for children promoting city's hated new 20mph speed limits"

Oxfordshire County Council can't persuade adults - so now they're targeting propaganda at children?

The fraudulent corporate councils like Oxfordshire County Council, have been spending billions on their fraudulent schemes that restrict and oppress the local inhabitants. Millions have been spent on rainbow flags, rainbow crossings, 'pride' parades, sculptures and supposed "net zero" traffic schemes. All of it is little more than money laundering. None of it is Lawful. When local inhabitants of the corporate councils realise the extent to which they have been swindled they will want to stop paying any more Council Taxes and hold the rotten and treasonous councils to account! 

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Croydon Council pays £2 million in Public Funds to evict the public

Evicting a Single Disabled Mum Costing £300,000 and Losing in The Supreme Court

Croydon Council Solicitors Browne Jacobson - 183 appointments  

Cornerstone Barristers LOSE; Warning Councils on Lack of Contracts Lead Legal at Croydon Council - Jenny Fraser Browne

Croydon Council is blatantly corrupt. The inhabitants of Croydon area will probably want to stop paying any more Council Taxes while criminals are controlling the council!