"... all settled in the recent case of Leighton v Bristow [2023] J90SA002 in the High Court of Justice Kings Bench Division by His Honour Judge Harrison where at paragraph 45 the claimant was awarded damages of £4000.00 and in this case if you fail to cease and desist you will have met the criteria for Harassment which may result in up to the same amount again and aggravated damages may also apply. In addition costs of 50% were also awarded to Leighton."
"When they are put on notice of their obligations under the new ruling to provide written proof from the court of their entitlement to attempt to distress goods and they turn up without the necessary proof then they are not entitled to claim that their actions are in good faith and in accordance with the law and therefore because they are not there lawfully they have no reasonable excuse under the Harassment Act 1997 therefore they are breaching it. Potentially a criminal offence."
A video about the new ruling has already had over 100,000 views:
The corporate councils are committing a serious criminal offence of Harassment when they create alleged 'liability orders' and 'warrants' without the sealed authority of a duly convened court of law and the signature of a judge acting according to their Oath of Office. Those responsible must therefore be brought to justice, to account for their antisocial and criminal behaviour. ANY council caught issuing their own 'warrants' and 'liability orders' is a criminal organisation and the individuals involved must be prosecuted. All executives and staff with any involvement in these criminal activities and the resulting Harassment must be removed from Public Office and have their ill-gotten gains taken from them.
The local inhabitants of areas with reports of Harassment and fraudulent 'court paperwork' being issued will want to stop paying any further Council Taxes until the criminals are brought to account.