Oxford County Council is now officially a Fascist council, prepared to ride roughshod over the laws and customs that England was built upon. The councillors and staff are preparing to overrule any 'democracy', undermine the majority, break the Laws of England, commit Misconduct and even Malfeasance in Public Office. They cannot prove that there is any "climate emergency" or prove that the Earth's atmospheric temperatures are rising because in reality atmospheric temperatures are steadily falling and are statistically lower now than in 1998. But the tiny minority in Oxford are in control and those that follow orders are doing what they are told. This was the same in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
When the inhabitants of Oxford realise that their Inalienable Rights and Freedoms have been subverted by a small clique of Fascists, they will want to stop paying any more Council Taxes to the Fascists. Time to starve the oppressors of their funding and destroy their rotten cliques, in any city or town that it rears its ugly head. Time to STOP PAYING!