Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Islington Council - a disgrace!

Islington Council, home to millionaire Labour Luvvies, including plenty of War Criminal Tony Blair supporters, has now banned an Israeli because he was accused by non-Israelis of being "antisemitic"! You could NOT make this nonsense up!


For clarity's sake, here is the definition of "Semite", which makes it very clear that Arabic speakers are Semitic, Ethiopians are Semitic, as well as many other groups including Aramaic & Hebrew speakers. 
"A member of any of the peoples speaking a Semitic language, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Hebrews, Phoenicians, and many of the peoples of Ethiopia."
So when a non-Israeli attacks or discriminates against Arabic or Ethiopian speakers they are being "antisemitic" by definition!

Decent people in Islington should stop paying any Council Tax to the disgraceful and discriminatory workers in the corporate council!

Monday, 17 December 2018

Sedgemoor District Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

The news is in - Sedgemoor's council staff and councillors have voted themselves even more money while imposing cuts and "austerity" upon the people that they are sworn to serve.
"Sedgemoor District Council's Executive members voted through their own pay rise earlier this week, while simultaneously presiding over £150,000 in staff cuts."
As a result the locals are waking up and preparing to expose the corruption in Somerset..


Now is the time for ALL locals to STOP paying Council Tax and Business Rates and force the corrupt corporate council to sack its executives and use their wages to provide vital services!