Thursday, 27 September 2018

The dodgy Fracking councils

The 'revelations' about council pension funds heavily invested in the Fracking industries should come as no surprise to many who have followed the blatant fraud and dodgy investments of the corporate councils. When the council pension funds were found to be heavily invested in illegal weapons manufacture (such as cluster munitions and white phosphorus) it became obvious that many of the entirely corporate (therefore private & for profit) councils were guilty of Misappropriation of Public Funds and Misconduct in Public Office by definition in Law, and should not be supported at all. This gave further impetus & incentive to withdraw any further form of consent (ie registrations & payment of local rates & taxes) to the flagrant breaches of trust that were/are being perpetrated against local habitants of counties. For locals to discover that those who channel funding to abusive 'policing', to protection of Fracking companies are the same corporate groups that invest in arms, that steal children and homes from families, that neglect roads, that sell-off Public Assets, that reward themselves with vast secure & private pensions, that reward themselves with often 6 figure pay levels and massive redundancy packages, that have borrowed vast sums privately using their registered locals as 'securities' for the high interest debts, that hold massive "Unusable Reserve" accounts that were created using millions of pounds of Public Funds (in many cases more than enough to offset all alleged debt), has obviously changed the ways in which large numbers view the local corporate 'leaders' and their lackeys!

The habitants of Greater Manchester should be particularly concerned, as should be their neighbours in (bankrupt) Lancashire. GMC is the largest council investor in Fracking, while they send their particularly nasty corporate 'police' to abuse, assault, arrest, harass and intimidate legitimate peaceful protest by people wanting to protect their land and water:

The truth will not go away. ANY councils that have pension funds invested in Fracking are in direct Conflict of Interest. They are frauds and criminals, guilty of Misappropriation of Public Funds whilst imposing the fraud of "austerity" upon the people that pay them. When enough people realise the huge con of the corporate councils, they will want to force divestment from arms and fracking industries, to force the corporate councils to reveal the amounts of Public Funds held in longterm & secretive investments, to force the corporate councils to sack (without pension) the criminals that drove whole counties into private debt & paid themselves huge sums for doing so! They may wish to STOP paying any further Council Taxes or rates to force the corrupted councils to do their jobs and serve the people!

Monday, 24 September 2018

Some good advice about alleged 'debt'

For those unaware of how debt works here's a quick summary.
1) You 'contract' with a company or you don't if its a Government body. Either way you are expected to pay.You can dispute this at any time by asking for the contractual agreement signed by you to prove liability. It's likely they will just ignore the request and push you straight to a third party debt collection agency.
2) A liability order is considered to be genuine if it contains the 'original amount of the debt' without charges and also has absolutely no branding of the debt collection agency. If it has extra charges then consider it to be fake and if its on their own headed paper also consider it to be fake.
3) Most companies have the ability to write off outstanding debt and they do this by selling it off to a third party enforcement company. From that point the debt is no longer owed by you in lawful terms and now it is up to the third party to recover the debt.
Now some people slip up here as they do not understand that these accumulated debts are sold off to the third party at a fraction of the price so a £5000 debt may be sold for less than 1/5th of the amount however they are still expecting £5000+ from you. This is one of the reasons the process of adding fees and their individual amounts is nothing more than extortion.
4) These third party debt collectors have very little power in terms of the law and so in order to retrieve the debt they have to 'strong arm' and you see this with various letters increasing in forceful language. They certainly cannot enlist the assistance of the Publicly Funded Law Enforcement to force entry or payment from you. In order to even reach this stage they would need to apply for a liability order which under normal circumstances would be rejected as these are Civil Matters yet they are applied for in Criminal Circumstances.
5) If they try to bullshit you with a liability order and the Police to assist then inform the Police they are only to be used for Civil matters and not as 'muscle for hire' for Private Companies. Then inform the debt collector you wish to see the original Liability order and not one just stamped and not signed. They won't have it because no judge would sign their name to what is not regarded as a criminal offence.
So simply put third party debt collectors are very much like traders. They buy low and try to recoup the full amount with the additional fees as a 'bonus' but once they buy the debt they are the ones liable and not you!
Negotiation in this situation can be a great tactic because you could bring down the existing debt, if you owe one, substantially however in order to do that you are accepting liability so remember that when making your move