Monday, 14 August 2017

Bristol City Council - a TRULY 'rotten borough'!

While Bristol City Council raises Council Tax again, the truth about Bristol UA borrowing over £120 million at high interest rates, from private banks, is emerging. The "Unusable Reserves" of Bristol CC are yet to be published, but some observant inhabitants are bound to find out the levels of the elaborate fraud that Bristol CC has been involved in!

The Section 151 Officer (Chief Financial Officer of the council) and their entire department are involved in 'fiddling the accounts' to show quite different figures than the truth.

Bristol area inhabitants will be wondering why they should pay a single penny in Council Tax, when so much goes to the interest on private debts, to private pensions, to private expense accounts, to 6-figure incomes of their executives, and while imposing the fraud of "austerity" upon those that pay for it all!

Bristol City inhabitants will also be wondering why such a wealthy city, which can afford to spend millions on paragliding and cinema visits for its staff, has to impose the blatant fraud of 'austerity' upon those it is sworn to serve!

Haringey Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

Haringey Council, has gone seriously into debt with private high-interest loans, forcing the local inhabitants to pay vast sums in interest to service the private loans and face extensive cuts to the paid-for Public Services. The disgraceful scandal is not going away!
Haringey Council is run by rotten criminals who have literally been stealing tens of millions of pounds for private interests. These criminals should be banned from Public Office and sent to jail for their crimes, in particular the Section 151 Chief Financial Officer and their entire department!

This site clearly shows Haringey Council as a group of liars & cheats:
Many of the inhabitants of Haringey will be wondering why they should pay any Council Tax to this rotten corporate group that have been stealing & embezzling billions of Public Funds for their own private benefits!

Thanet Council - another 'Rotten Borough'!

It's ok for human feces and drug syringes to be all over the beaches but not allow good people to walk their loving pets.

Thanet Council are making money from their theft of the rights of the local inhabitants, theft of Public Funds for their private administrative corporate contracts, private pension funds, private expense accounts, and their secret "Unusable Reserve" accounts. They are just more corporate criminals that the local inhabitants need to STOP paying Council Tax to and demand accountability!