Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Corporate councils are stealing from those most in need!

The rotten and criminal corporate councils are stealing benefit payments and changing further payments to "discretionary".
In other words, the corporate councils are acting criminally by penalising those most in need, against both Statute and Common Law which both clearly state that "29. Imprisonment, &c. contrary to Law. Administration of Justice. NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor [X1condemn him,] but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right. " (Magna Carta 1297) and "39. No freeman shall be arrested or imprisoned or disseised or outlawed or exiled or in any other way harmed. Nor will we [the king] proceed against him, or send others to do so, except according to the lawful sentence of his peers and according to the Common Law. 40. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice." (Magna Carta 1215).
So, the private-for-profit corporate-run councils are claiming to be able to take all or part of the entitlements of the local inhabitants, the same local inhabitants who pay them Council Tax & Business Rates. When the same local inhabitants realise that they are being robbed by the local council, that the same local council is a private-for-profit registered business that requires agreement/contract to have any authority, they will probably want to STOP PAYING any further amounts until the corporate council is acting lawfully!

Monday, 24 April 2017

Council chief CRIMINALS are stealing Public Funds!

The criminal scum in councils are awarding themselves vast levels of pay while imposing the proven fraud of "austerity" on those that they are paid to serve!

Councils around the country are doing the same thing, literally stealing our Public Funds for themselves! Each & every local inhabitant can get the information and expose it freely. Public Servants MUST be transparent about what they receive and what for and have absolutely no lawful or legal right to what these have been doing:

When the inhabitants of counties around the country know that they are being robbed by the local corporate "Public Servants", the only course of action to take is to STOP paying Council Tax!

Dorset County Council - a TRULY "rotten borough"!

Dorset Pension Fund
Dorset County Council
County Hall
Known shareholdings in identified arms companies:
1. Lockheed Martin £569,218
2. Boeing £1,016,792
3. Northrop Grumman £352,829
4. BAE Systems £1,602,195
5. Raytheon £396,577
6. General Dynamics £448,269
7. EADS £0
8. L3 Communications £121,177
9. Thales £0
10. Halliburton £431,524
11. Finmeccanica £0
17. Rolls-Royce £1,262,344
27. QinetiQ £142,863
40. VT £141,354
55. Cobham £256,747
66. Meggitt £295,295
79. Ultra Electronics £0
Total assets: £1,355 million
Total arms company holdings as % of assets: 0.5
Shareholding figures provided by the local authority:
All shareholdings provided

Dorset County Council are a DISGRACE to their office! The staff & councillors are 'not fit for purpose' and should all be sacked & asset-stripped of their ill-gotten gains! They are all criminals, liars & cheats, and should be in jail for a very long time. They have been embezzling Public Funds for years for their private pensions, expense accounts and huge incomes. Their Section 151 Officer is a criminal by definition and should get the maximum penalty!
Now is the time for all the inhabitants of Dorset to STOP paying any more Council Tax to these rotten crooks!