Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Bolton Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

Bolton Council is spending MILLIONS on non-essential projects and making inhabitants pay rises in Council Tax that are above interest rates to fund it all!


When corporate councils spend YOUR MONEY on more of their corporate rubbish, whilst cutting Public Services, it is time to STOP PAYING Council Tax!

Plymouth Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

When any council considers fining the homeless instead of providing one of their many empty properties for homeless people to live in, they are acting Unlawfully, guilty of Misappropriation of Public Funds and Malfeasance in Public Office.


When YOUR Council Tax is misused in such a way, it is time to STOP PAYING!

Bristol City Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

Bristol Council are WASTING MONEY!


When YOUR Council Tax pays for this type of NONSENSE, it is time to STOP PAYING!

Monday, 1 February 2016

Bedroom Tax - it costs nothing to APPEAL!

It costs nothing to appeal and it could win!
But more importantly, when millions of people appeal against council decisions it will clog-up the courts and the whole system and cost far more money than any saving!
"In summary, the most important issue and for me the quickest way to get rid of the bedroom tax is if all 449,151 households who are currently affected write 1 letter and then insist in 1 email their council refers their individual case to tribunal to cost the government £2,800 or so."


When the corporate FRAUD of Council Tax and 'Bedroom Tax' is continuously and fully exposed, and when sufficient numbers of people appeal against decisions, the whole rotten system will come to a grinding halt!