Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Bristol City Council - ANOTHER 'Rotten Borough'!

Bristol City Council have been spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on their expenses.
"The cards are intended for expenses including travel, office supplies and catering. But thousands of pounds were spent on fast food, iTunes and shopping trips abroad last year.
Throughout 2014, £1,860 a day was spent on Bristol City Council procurement cards, figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show."

With at least 30% of ALL Council Taxes going to private pensions, it really is time to STOP PAYING Council Tax!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Wirral Council admits that Council Tax is unlawful & sets a Legal Precedent

Wirral Council admits that Council Tax is unlawful & sets a Legal Precedent!

There is NO DOUBT that a Legal Precedent has been set by this case some years ago!
Council Tax is illegal AND unlawful. It is FRAUD & DECEPTION. Those who attempt to enforce it, in ANY way, are guilty of Misconduct in Public Office and Misappropriation of Public Funds.
Therefore, paying Council Tax to ANY council is complicity in serious CRIMINAL offences liable to imprisonment!