Monday, 23 February 2015

Brentwood Borough Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

"Miss Ireland was appointed temporary chief executive, juggling that job with her other post. Her salary increased from £85,000 to £105,000 while councillors hunted for a new chief executive.
After months of delay, they have now announced that the top position will be filled by Graham Farrant, the £185,000-a-year chief executive of neighbouring Thurrock Borough Council. 
He will continue at Thurrock in a job-share, with Brentwood paying Thurrock £42,000 a year for his part-time services.
Mr Farrant is due to take up the job on March 1. After that Miss Ireland will remain as Brentwood’s director of strategy and corporate services, back on her old £85,000 salary, until a replacement is found for that role."

Clearly it's 'jobs for the boys & girls' in Essex, at ANY COST, just as it is in Tory, Labour and LibDem councils around the country!
When the people of Essex discover that potentially MILLIONS of pounds of their precious Public Funds have been squandered and wasted on corporate-run LIES, they may choose to STOP PAYING Council Tax to the private-for-profit corporations that are ruining their county!

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Oldham MBC - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

Oldham MBC, issues totally FRAUDULENT Liability Orders, thereby committing serious CRIMINAL offences!

When enough people STOP PAYING the FRAUDULENT Council Tax to the corporate councils the system will have to be scrapped. But equally importantly, the CRIMINALS must face prosecution for their CRIMES!

End the Council Tax Summons Scam

End the Council Tax Summons Scam - e-petition

Many thousands of people may wish to express their disgust at the rotten private-for-profit corporate councils and their collusion with the private-for-profit courts making millions from issuing summons!

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Harrogate Borough Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

Harrogate Borough Council and the £4-billion nationwide Council Tax SCANDAL
Legally speaking "Council Tax cannot be charged on Holiday Home Statics because Council Tax is payable only on Statics that are the Sole/Main Residences of the occupants."
However, "HBC has unlawfully charged a little over £10 million (58 x 174,000 = 10,092,000) over the past four years alone."

As we know, 30-50% of ALL Council Tax nationally goes to private council pensions, which is undeclared in the accounts submitted to each household, and councils are also using further amounts to pay vast expenses accounts, interest on debts, and are 'investing' large sums of Public Funds in attempts to get larger returns. Another substantial amount of local Public Funds has been spent on 'redundancy packages' and bribes to stop whistleblowers exposing the whole CRIMINAL & FRAUDULENT system!
When people know about the FRAUD it is their duty to expose it and to STOP PAYING Council Tax!

Millions of pounds lost every year due to 'Bedroom Tax'

Millions of pounds are being lost every year directly because of the discriminatory and unlawful FRAUDULENT Council Tax!
"Councils are losing £20million in rent a year as the disastrous Bedroom Tax leaves homes empty.
Nearly 1,500 multiple-bedroom properties are vacant because tenants cannot afford to move into them.
Under the Bedroom Tax their housing benefit has been slashed."

When enough people STOP PAYING the FRAUD of Council Tax and demand an open and Lawful system of paying for services that are actually provided, then the system will have to change!