Saturday, 29 November 2014

Pantomime Council Court Procedure

"Liability to pay Council Tax actually comes from The Poor Laws and not The 1992 Local Government Finance Act (which is what all those administering Council Tax will tell you.)
Being a Registered Person on a Roll means there is a Liability to pay through the Registration of a Person by a Parish. The Poor Laws of Britain meant Councils owed you a “duty of care” as you are their Registered property through The Crown ( Pauper). In return you are liable to pay any taxes and have been given certain obligations."

The audio version:

The government website on Council Tax debt is misleading:

The audio version:

Friday, 28 November 2014

Neath Port Talbot Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

"As hardened as I am, I still find it sickeningly repulsive that Julie Rzezniczek along with others from Neath Port Talbot Council Social Services, Representatives of the Welsh Assembly Government and the Medical Profession could inflict such cruelty against an innocent seriously ill 12 year old child."

As has been clearly shown, Social Services in all counties are private-for-profit registered businesses who are stealing children from their parents for private profits!

Just more reason to STOP PAYING Council Tax to the CRIMINALS in the corporate councils!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Friday, 21 November 2014

UK councils at risk of collapse

"Half the UK’s local councils are at risk of collapse, the government’s official auditor has said, warning that one in six may be unable to provide basic services this year."

No wonder so many councils are "at risk of collapse" - they're paying their executives far more than central government members!
Why is there no accountability when they receive so much Public Funds? Why do they get copper-bottomed pensions at the end of their tenure of selling-off public assets, contracting with private companies for Public Services, giving the administration of Public Funds to private corporations, and cutting back on vital Public Services? This type of obvious CORRUPTION & FRAUD will not go away until the majority of people act decisively!

The current ConDemAll government is deliberately destroying our elected local government by imposing legislation and taxation that is inherently unfair and even unlawful. Many will conclude that this is being implemented so as to create the situation for EU Regional Councils to take over the running of Britain. While many councils have sought to assist their residents with problems with their Council Tax and Bedroom Tax and by continuing provision of vital Public Services, such councils are often penalised for doing so.
As is well known, the majority of council funds come from Business Rates that are collected by private-for-profit administrative corporations (Capita, SERCO, Southwest One Ltd, etc), and sent straight to central government for redistribution, whilst actual Council Taxes are primarily for private profits, expenses and pensions! The government is therefore withholding funds collected from counties/boroughs and using the same funds for their own corruption, military spending, corporate subsidies, EU payments, interest on borrowing, bankster bonuses, payments to Israel, pay-offs for whistleblowers in councils and NHS, cover-ups of paedophile rings, and so on...
Eventually, councils may realise that they are being ripped-off and decide to defend themselves and their people. As long as councils continue to implement central government rules against the rights and freedoms of the people they are supposed to serve, then the people should STOP PAYING Council Tax!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Cumbria County Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

"Lawyers for Cumbria County Council tried to suppress all information about the death of Poppi Worthington on the grounds it would be unfair to reveal shortcomings of public agencies..."

Time after time we hear of the private-for-profit councils and their private-for-profit 'Social Services' NOT serving the public at all, but in fact, working for quotas of the corporate-run Family Courts, quotas of foster care contracts, and quotas of forced adoptions, and ALL primarily for profit! This disgusting ABUSE & FRAUD constitutes Misconduct in Public Office and Misappropriation of Public Funds, both of which are serious CRIMINAL offences!
It's time to STOP PAYING Council Tax to the CRIMINAL & FRAUDULENT councils, demand full accountability and an end to ALL private corporate administration of our councils!

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Somerset County Council - ANOTHER 'rotten borough'!

Not only is Somerset CC controlled by Southwest One Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of IBM, which means that Public Funds are being used directly for private profits, but, as is the same across the country, Somerset CC Social Services have been involved in the quota-driven SCAMS of forced adoptions and child stealing for cash!

Social Services - trading for profit!

Time to STOP PAYING Council Tax for corporate profits (FRAUD), Misconduct in Public Office and Misappropriation of Public Funds!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Clear evidence of council FRAUD on a massive scale

More and more decent people are discovering the extensive FRAUD of the corporate councils as they make claims about a "hearing" when none occurs, make claims of a llegal 'Liability Order' when none exists, make claims that a judge signed documents when none did so, make complaints to the police about the obvious FRAUD and their complaint is rejected and ignored.

"09/11/2014.release,"alleged"fraudulent summons,Council Tax.potential massive scale in UK"

The CRIMINAL courts and councils are working with the full protection of the police. ALL are being paid for by Public Funds yet are NOT serving the Public but ONLY serving private-for-profit corporations! These CRIMES will not stop until the majority STOP PAYING Council Tax!