Friday, 3 January 2025

Corporate councils - the BLATANT FRAUD continues

Not satisfied with 30+% of Council Tax going straight to their massive private pension schemes, council staff are demanding to work 4 day weeks (for 5 days pay) and even 'work from the beach'!

"Since the end of the pandemic, local councils have agreed to more than 2,000 requests to work from abroad, with the number of individual approvals soaring from 73 in 2020/21 to 731 last year.

In one shocking case, an employee from West Devon Borough Council was allowed to work from the Spanish holiday resort of Ibiza for nearly four years from March 2020.

Others have won the right to base themselves in places as diverse as Portugal, Brazil, Malta, South Africa and the tropical sands of Bali.

Supporters of logging on from the beach like to prattle on about ‘work-life balance’ and the need to offer greater ‘flexibility’ in order to attract recruits.

Such claims are unconvincing.

It is frankly impossible for public employees to show the same commitment to their position or understanding of local problems when they are thousands of miles away sipping a pina colada."

The corporate council culture of fraud, embezzlement, Misconduct in Public Office, operating fraudulent 'courts', paying executives vast sums in wages and expenses, while imposing 'austerity' on those that pay, exposes a culture of 'entitled' individuals who clearly believe themselves to be above the law. 2025 should be the year that the majority stop paying these criminals!

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Does the corporate council issue a Bill or a Demand?


Which is a Negotiable Instrument?

1. Demand:

A demand typically refers to a formal request for payment. It can be issued by a creditor or a billing authority (such as a local council for council tax) to indicate that payment is due. A demand often specifies the amount owed and the deadline for payment.

2. Bill:
A bill is a detailed statement of charges for goods or services provided. It outlines what the charges are for, the total amount due, and the payment terms. Bills are usually sent after goods or services have been rendered, providing a summary of the transaction.

To summarise, a demand is a request for payment, while a bill is a detailed account of charges related to a specific transaction.

A Demand is issued under the jurisdiction of public law (Local Government Finance Act 1992), whereas a Bill is issued under the jurisdiction of commercial law (Bills of Exchange Act 1882). 

Councils cannot issue a Bill under commercial jurisdiction and then attempt to enforce it under public law jurisdiction. Therefore, they must issue a Demand if they wish to enforce it under the LGFA1992 or related legislation.

A "Bill of Exchange" is clearly defined by the Bills of Exchange Act 1882.

"Bill of exchange defined.

(1) A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.
(2) An instrument which does not comply with these conditions, or which orders any act to be done in addition to the payment of money, is not a bill of exchange."

This up-to-date legislation is fully & legally binding upon all businesses and corporations. All councils are registered companies with DUNS numbers and are provable private businesses operating for profit. This legislation applies to all councils and all courts.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

129 corporate councils have failed to submit accounts for 2 years

129 corporate councils have failed to submit accounts for 2 years

Councils which have not submitted any accounts for the last two financial years include:   

- Woking Borough Council   

- Spelthorne Borough Council 

- Birmingham City Council 

58 further councils have failed to submit data for 2022-23   

Separate figures show seven local authorities have failed to audit their accounts for five or more years, including Slough Borough Council.

5 corporate councils have submitted NO accounts for 5 years!

A very revealing video of a presentation from 7 years ago, regarding the LOBO loan corruption and the proven criminals involved:

All these corporate councils have staff that are acting in Conflict of Interest and Misconduct in Public Office, both serious criminal offences with assets confiscated and jail time as penalties. They have literally embezzled billions of pounds as any audits will show. They must be held to account and all players banned from Public Office for the rest of their pathetic lives. Paying these blatant criminals and fraudsters is complicity in their crimes.

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Corporate councils suing Barclays

7 councils in England are suing Barclays over bank loans worth more than £500m they claim they were fraudulently sold.

The local authorities claim the banking giant manipulated the interest rates on the products, known as lobo loans.
Councils taking the action are
- Leeds
- Greater Manchester
- Newcastle
- North East Lincolnshire
- Nottingham
- Oldham
- Sheffield

Greater Manchester's LOBO loans - another CRIMINAL corporate council!

Manchester City Council is another corporate criminal organisation, using the local registered inhabitants as securities against massive private borrowing.

Where does all that private borrowing go?
30+% goes to the crooked council's private pension funds.
Another 30+% goes on wages and expenses.
Another 10-15% is paid against the interest on the massive private borrowing
No doubt Manchester inhabitants can think of other ways that the crooked council wastes Public Funds and leaves a minimal amount for Public Services.

Many of the inhabitants of Greater Manchester will be considering ending payments to GMC when they discover how they are being robbed by the same corporation.

Friday, 4 October 2024

A "court order" must physically exist and contain the listed elements


To be a Judicial Document 

Must PHYSICALLY EXIST containing  all the below elements:

1. Court Seal/Stamp: An official court order usually has the seal or stamp of the court, which authenticates the document.

2. Title: The document should start with the name of the court where the order was issued, e.g., "In the High Court of Justice" or "In the County Court at [Location]".

3. Case Number: Each case has a unique identifier or case number, which should be prominently displayed.

4. Parties' Names: The names of the parties involved in the case (e.g., Claimant vs. Defendant).

5. Date: The date when the order was made.

6. Judge's Name and Title:  Yes, the judge's name should typically be on the order, often with their title, like "His Honour Judge [Name]" or "District Judge [Name]" for lower courts, or "Mr/Mrs Justice [Name]" for High Court judges.

7. The Order: The main body of the document will detail the order itself, what has been decided or mandated. This could be in numbered paragraphs.

10. Address: Typically, the court's address where the order was issued might not be on the order itself but on the envelope or cover letter if sent by post. However, if it's included, it would be the address of the court:

11. Court Reference or Claim Number: Essential for filing and reference.

12. Electronic Signature: 

Electronic signature or a statement that the order has been made might appear instead.

With thanks to Beat The Bailiffs

Without a physical court order that has been completed as listed above, the document is fraudulent and the presenter is committing a criminal offence. They should be reported to the police, with all evidence gathered and be prosecuted for their crimes.

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Imprisonment for council tax default is unlawful

An addition to the council tax debate. This is a gem.

"Imprisonment for council tax default is unlawful because the law states that imprisonment is a last resort and other methods should be tried first: the courts can either order attachment of payment from benefit if the debtor is unemployed or from wages/salary if the debtor has a job, and from any savings account if the debtor has neither job nor benefit but has assets, so there is always an alternative. Unfortunately, some magistrates impose custody on council tax debtors as a punishment; but this is explicitly forbidden by law. Owing money is not a crime, and imposing any form of punishment is not permitted by law. "

Magistrates are not judges and rarely have legal qualifications. They are administrators working for the CPS and are directed by CPS lawyers. Actual justice for all criminal matters means that a Court of Record and jury trial are absolute rights of every individual inhabitant.

Magistrates Courts Act 1980, section 96(1)
There should be no commitment to prison for civil debt except upon complaint, issue of summons and means enquiry in person and finding of wilful refusal/culpable neglect as above.
Note, if you do not appear in court there can be no means enquiry – and therefore no committal!
Six steps for a council tax debtor to be committed to prison:
1. A complaint is filed at the magistrate’s court.
2. A summons is issued and served. Remember a summons is only an invitation.
3. The hearing is attended by the debtor.
4. A means enquiry is conducted with the debtor appearing in person.
5. The court must find ‘wilful refusal’ or ‘culpable neglect’.
6. There must be no other appropriate measure available.
In other words, it is almost impossible to be imprisoned for not paying council tax. It is only meant to serve as a deterrent, not a punishment.

In view of the UN International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, it would be legally impossible to imprison someone simply for failing to pay a civil debt. Therefore, if imprisonment ever took place, it would in effect be for criminal contempt of court.
But we have two questions: how can you be in criminal contempt of a court in a civil matter? And how can you be in any form of contempt of a court that you do not attend?
"Article 11
No one shall be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation. "